SPring-8, the large synchrotron radiation facility

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Beam Commissioning of 1GeV Linac and 8GeV Synchrotron


lina1st.gif lina1stc.gif
before image processing (grey scale) after image processing (128 color)

Beam profile monitor (Linac 1st. beam)

  • 96/ 8/ 1 11:00 Linac achieved 1st. beam at 60 MeV.
  • 96/ 8/ 8 11:47 Linac achieved 1GeV acceleration.


sync1st.gif sync1stc.gif
before image processing (grey scale) after image processing (128 color)

Beam profile monitor (Synchrotron 1st. turn)

  • 96/12/10 15:40 Synchrotron achieved 1st.turn with 1 GeV.
  • 96/12/17 14:50 Synchrotron achieved 8GeV acceleration.