SPring-8, the large synchrotron radiation facility

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Use of Images

Please follow the procedure below before using the image(s) of SPring-8 or SACLA.

Usage flow

  • Please check the conditions of use which is described in “Borrowing and Reproduction Request Form (in the Word format)”
  • Apply for the usage by filling out “Borrowing and Reproduction Request Form” with necessary information.
  • Email the application form or fax it to RIKEN SPring-8 Center Promotion Office.
  • We will email or fax you back about the result after reviewing and discussing the content.

* Since it takes a while for the process, please submit it at least one week prior to the date of the material use.
* Please spell “SPring-8” (uppercase letter ‘P’), not “Spring-8”.
* Specify the source clearly that the original materials are provided by RIKEN.
* Provide one copy of newspaper, magazine, book, or video recording, or one copy of the parts where the materials are used and where RIKEN is credited.

Click here for Past Aerial Photographs

Please refer to the following website for further information on the copyright.
Copyright Research and Information Center http://www.cric.or.jp/english/index.html

RIKEN SPring-8 Center Promotion Office, Harima Branch
Phone: 0791-58-0900, Fax: 0791-58-0800
E-mail: harima-suishin [at] riken.jp
(Replace [at] with @ when sending email.)

Last modified 2020-10-30 17:06