Discovery of Anomalous Electronic State of Water Confined in Nanodomains (Press Release)
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- 19 Jul, 2013
- BL08W (High Energy Inelastic Scattering)
Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute (JASRI)
JASRI, in collaboration with the University of Houston, the University of Michigan, and the University of Tennessee in the United States, has discovered the anomalous electronic state of water confined in nanodomains*1, such as those in biological cells, which is distinctly different from that of bulk water, for example, water contained in a cup. This was achieved using the high-brilliance and high-energy synchrotron radiation X-rays at SPring-8*2. Water molecules consist of a negatively charged oxygen atom and two positively charged hydrogen atoms. Water molecules are considered to be weakly bound to each other by the electrostatic force between oxygen and hydrogen atoms, forming a network structure. This model has also been applied to water confined in small spaces of a few nanometers in scale, namely, nanodomains, and used for the simulation to predict the behavior of water in electrolyte membranes of fuel cells or of biological cells. However, because water confined in nanodomains exhibits a different behavior from bulk water, for example, it does not freeze even at -20 °C, whether this water model can be applied to water confined in nanodomains without modification has remained an unresolved issue. In order to resolve this issue, the research group precisely measured the momentum distribution of electrons in water molecules confined in nanodomains of two different kinds of nafion (proton exchange membrane) by the “Compton scattering*3” technique using the high-brilliance and high-energy synchrotron radiation X-rays at SPring-8. As a result, they found that the momentum distribution of electrons in water molecules confined in nanodomains increases and that the amount of increase in the momentum distribution of electrons in such water molecules was 17-fold that estimated using the conventional model for bulk water. These results cannot be explained by the conventional model of water molecules being bonded to each other by a weak electrostatic force to form a network structure. The results strongly suggest the necessity of a new model of water molecules confined in nanodomains, whereby individual water molecules are more strongly bonded to each other. The achievements of this study will provide new insight into the chemistry of water in nanodomains, which has been attracting attention with respect to fuel cells and biological reactions. In addition, the development of simulation methods for predicting the behavior of water molecules on the basis of the water model obtained in this study will promote the development of electrolyte membranes of fuel cells and the understanding of the behavior of water in biological cells. Therefore, it is expected that the achievements will lead to the development of its application in next-generation energy storage systems and to advances in medicine. The results were achieved by an international joint research team consisting of Masayoshi Ito (associate senior scientist) and Yoshiharu Sakurai (associate chief scientist) of JASRI, George Reiter (Professor) of the University of Houston, Aniruddha Deb (Assistant Professor) of the University of Michigan, and Stephen Padission (Professor) of the University of Tennessee in the United States. Their achievements were published online in the American scientific journal, Physical Review Letters. Publication: |
Red and white balls represent oxygen and hydrogen atoms, respectively. Because oxygen atoms are negatively charged and hydrogen atoms are positively charged, water molecules are weakly bonded to each other by an electrostatic force, forming a network structure of water molecules. On the other hand, water confined in nanodomains is divided into a few nanometers and exhibits behavior different from that of bulk water.
containing water (left) and schematic of water molecules confined in a domain
of approximately two nanometers by molecules in the electrolyte membrane (right)
White and black areas in the scanning transmission electron microscopy image represent the molecules in the electrolyte membrane (nafion) and the water molecules confined in nanodomains, respectively.
in nanodomains of electrolyte membranes and bulk water molecules
Experiments were carried out using two types of electrolyte membrane, i.e., Nafion1120 and DOW858. The momentum distribution of electrons in water changes when water molecules are confined in nanodomains. Namely, the number of slow electrons decreases and the number of fast electrons increases. The amount of change in the momentum distribution of electrons confined in nanodomains is 17-fold that estimated using the conventional model, indicating that the conventional model cannot be applied to water confined in nanodomains without modification.
*1 Nanodomains
Nano is a unit of length. Nanodomains are space domains with the length of each side equal to that of approximately three to ten atoms in a row, which is approximately one nanometer. A nanometer is one-billionth of a meter.
*2 SPring-8
A large synchrotron radiation facility that generates the highest-quality synchrotron radiation, located in Hyogo prefecture, Japan. Owned by Riken, and operated by JASRI. The nickname SPring-8 is short for Super Photon ring-8 GeV.
Synchrotron radiation refers to the strong and highly oriented electron magnetic waves generated when the orbit of electrons, accelerated to a near-light speed, is bent by magnetic field. Applications of the synchrotron radiation produced by SPring-8 includes nanotechnology, biotechnology and industrial use.
*3 Compton scattering
A phenomenon showing that light (X-ray) consists of particles. When X-rays are directed onto a substance, the wavelength of the scattered X-rays increases as a result of energy being transferred to electrons. The increase in the X-ray wavelength indicates a decrease in the X-ray energy. From another viewpoint, Compton scattering can be regarded as the collision of an X-ray particle (photon) and an electron. The respective sums of the energy and momentum of the X-ray particle and of the electron (the electron momentum is proportional to its velocity) before and after the collision are the same. Therefore, the velocity of the electron colliding with the X-ray particle can be determined from the energy of the Compton-scattered X-ray.
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- New Four-Dimensional Visualization Technique for Analyzing Destruction of Metal Materials (Press Release)
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- Discovery of Anomalous Electronic State of Water Confined in Nanodomains (Press Release)