Ordering Is Required for Glass-Forming Liquids -Complete clarification of atomic and electronic structures of extremely ‘fragile’ liquid at 2800 ℃- (Press Release)
BL04B2 (High Energy X-ray Diffraction), BL08W (High Energy Inelastic Scattering)
18 Dec, 2014
High-Precision Visualization of Cysteic Acid in Hair Using SPring-8 Beamline -Establishment of technique for high-precision determination of damaged area in hair- (Press Release)
BL43IR (Infrared Materials Science)
16 Dec, 2014
Measurement of the Detailed Electronic Structure of an Electrode When Charging and Discharging a Lithium-Ion Battery -Using soft X-ray emission spectroscopy to reveal the behavior of electrons associated with charging and discharging- (Press Release)
BL07LSU (University-of-Tokyo Synchrotron Radiation Outstation)
25 Nov, 2014
Dark magma at the bottom of the lower mantle -New insights into the super-hot plumes in the deep Earth- (Press Release)
BL11XU (JAEA Quantum Dynamics)
13 Nov, 2014
A greasy way to take better protein snapshots (Press Release)
11 Nov, 2014
Analyzing Nanospatial Distribution in Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cell Catalysts at the Unique Beamline with the Best Performance in the World for Fuel Cell Analysis -Spatial distribution of platinum species in fuel cell catalyst layers observed using nano-
BL36XU (Catalytic Reaction Dynamics for Fuel Cells Beamline)
22 Oct, 2014
First Observation of Electronic Structure in Ag-Rh Alloy Nanoparticles Having Hydrogen Absorbing/Storage Property –Attempting to solve the mystery of why Ag-Rh alloy nanoparticles have a similar property to Pd– (Press Release)
16 Oct, 2014
In Situ Observation of Fuel Cell Electrodes by Ambient-Pressure Hard X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (Press Release)
BL36XU (Catalytic Reaction Dynamics for Fuel Cells Beamline)
14 Oct, 2014
World’s First Observation of Saturable Absorption of Hard X-rays -Opening a promising path using the world’s most intense X-rays of SACLA- (Press Release)
02 Oct, 2014
Clarification of Mechanism Underlying Destruction of Red Blood Cells by Pathogenic Bacteria (Press Release)
BL41XU (Structural Biology I)
29 Sep, 2014
Successful Observation of Single-Molecule Intramolecular Motions of Ligand Gated Ion Channel in Real Time -Establishment of X-ray technology for allosteric drug design- (Press Release)
BL40XU (High Flux)
16 Sep, 2014
Clarification of Mechanism Underlying Activation of Bacterial Flagellar Motor by Conformational Change of Stator -PomBc “stands” to work and “crouches” to rest- (Press Release)
BL32XU (RIKEN Targeted Proteins), BL41XU (Structural Biology I)
02 Sep, 2014
Elucidating the mechanism of recognition and evasion in viral infection of tomato -Towards the development of new anti-viral agent– (Press Release)
BL38B1 (Structural Biology III)
20 Aug, 2014
Uranium-Containing Glassy Aerosol Microparticles Emitted during Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Accident Reached Tsukuba -Multiple X-ray analyses using synchrotron radiation X-ray microbeam- (Press Release)
BL37XU (Trace Element Analysis)
08 Aug, 2014
Development of a Novel Spectroscopic Technique to Observe Synergy Effect of Water with Radiation in the DNA Damage Processes (Press Release)
BL23SU (JAEA Actinide Science)
08 Aug, 2014
Reaction Rate of Fullerene Is Enhanced 2,400-fold by lithium-ion encapsulation (Press Release)
BL02B1 (Single Crystal Structure Analysis)
17 Jul, 2014
Successful Observation of Intrinsic Piezoelectric Property of Widely Used Piezoelectric Material -A 60-year-old problem has been solved, paving the way to the development of novel lead-free piezoelectric materials- (Press Release)
BL13XU (Surface and Interface Structures)
16 Jul, 2014
Discovery of High-Pressure Minerals in HED Meteorites(Press Release)
BL10XU (High Pressure Research)
15 Jul, 2014
Porous Metal Complex Changes Properties of Palladium - Hydrogen storage capacity and storage/release speed in palladium are doubled - (Press Release)
BL02B2 (Powder Diffraction)
14 Jul, 2014
Successful Development of High-Energy-Density, High-Safety, and Low-Cost Rechargeable Batteries – From lithium to magnesium metal - (Press Release)
BL01B1 (XAFS), BL02B2 (Powder Diffraction), BL14B2 (Engineering Science Research II)
12 Jul, 2014
Direct Observation of “Hidden Order” That Has Been a Mystery in Materials Physics (Press Release)
BL02B1 (Single Crystal Structure Analysis)
19 Jun, 2014
Slippery Smooth Surface for Free-Rotation of Inner Fullerene in Finite Carbon Nanotube Molecules (Press Release)
BL41XU (Structural Biology I)
27 May, 2014
Synthesizing New Half-Metallic Material with High Magnetic Transition Temperature- New material applicable to spintronic devices including ultrahigh -density magnetic memories– (Press Release)
BL25SU (Soft X-ray Spectroscopy of Solid)
23 May, 2014
Successful Observation of Ultrafast Structural Dynamics in Nanocrystal (Press Release)
15 May, 2014
Discovery of a New Crystal Structure Family of Oxide-Ion Conductors NdBaInO4 (Press Release)
BL19B2 (Engineering Science Research I)
07 May, 2014
Exploring Vacuum Using World’s Highest-Intensity X-rays -Toward unknown fields- (Press Release)
30 Apr, 2014
100-fold increase in X-ray laser power density (Press Release)
28 Apr, 2014
Electron dynamics in copper oxide superconductors unveiled by three inelastic-scattering techniques (Press Release)
BL11XU (JAEA Quantum Dynamics)
25 Apr, 2014
Pressure-induced reentrant metallic phase in lithium (Press Release)
BL10XU (High Pressure Research)
23 Apr, 2014
Generation of Circularly Polarized X-ray Free-Electron Laser (Press Release)
23 Apr, 2014
Successful Three-Dimensional Visualization of Local Structures of Relaxor Ferroelectric by X-ray Fluorescence Holography (Press Release)
BL22XU (JAEA Quantum Structural Science)
22 Apr, 2014
Discovery of Novel Piezoelectric Materials with Layered Perovskite Structure (Press Release)
BL02B2 (Powder Diffraction)
18 Apr, 2014
Clarifying the Mechanism of Protein Insertion into the Cytoplasmic Membrane (Press Release)
BL32XU (RIKEN Targeted Proteins)
17 Apr, 2014
Large-scale self-assembled α-ZrP nanoplatelet/polymer layers with tunable gas permeability via a simple spray-coating process
BL40B2 (Structural Biology II)
08 Apr, 2014
Successful Visualization of Distortion in Right- and Left-Handed Helical Orientation of Electron Cloud (Press Release)
BL17SU (RIKEN Coherent Soft X-ray Spectroscopy)
07 Apr, 2014
Detection of Spin-Resolved Electronic States from a Buried Ferromagnetic Layer (Press Release)
02 Apr, 2014
Crystal structure of the complex between the photosynthetic reaction center and the light-harvesting antenna core proteins (Press Release)
BL41XU (Structural Biology I), BL44XU (Macromolecular Assemblies)
27 Mar, 2014
Elastic anisotropy of experimental analogues of perovskite and post perovskite help to interpret D” diversity
BL35XU (High Resolution lnelastic Scattering)
27 Mar, 2014
Development of High-Performance X-ray Image Detector as “Eye” of SPring-8 Angstrom Compact Free-Electron Laser (SACLA) Facility (Press Release)
15 Mar, 2014
Elucidating Crystal Structures of an ABC Multidrug Transporter That obstacle with Cancer Chemotherapy
BL41XU (Structural Biology I)
04 Mar, 2014
X-ray crystal structure of voltage-gated proton channel (Press Release)
BL44XU (Macromolecular Assemblies)
03 Mar, 2014
Superconducting double perovskite bismuth oxide (Na0.25K0.45)(Ba1.00)3(Bi1.00)4O12 prepared by a low-temperature hydrothermal reaction (Press Release)
BL02B2 (Powder Diffraction)
03 Mar, 2014
Clarification of Mechanism of Ferromagnetism in Diluted Magnetic Semiconductor
BL07LSU (University-of-Tokyo Synchrotron Radiation Outstation)
25 Feb, 2014
Structure determination of the redox complex which is a key complex in heme metabolism (Press Release)
BL44XU (Macromolecular Assemblies)
04 Feb, 2014
Successful Demonstration of High-Resolution X-ray Imaging of Thick Objects (Press Release)
BL29XU (RIKEN Coherent X-ray Optics)
03 Feb, 2014
Discovery of New Hydrous Minerals in Deep Mantle (Press Release)
BL04B1 (High Temperature and High Pressure Research)
03 Feb, 2014
Successful Synthesis of Artificial Rhodium (Press Release)
BL02B2 (Powder Diffraction)
22 Jan, 2014
Low Core-Mantle Boundary Temperature Inferred from the Solidus of Pyrolite (Press Release)
BL10XU (High Pressure Research), BL47XU (HAXPES / uCT)
17 Jan, 2014
Successful Nanoscale Observation of Living Cells Using X-ray Laser (Press Release)
07 Jan, 2014
Last modified
2015-02-06 16:14