(*) Each title on this contents page is linked to its body. Click on a title, and the body will appear in PDF. |
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Contents |
1 |
776 |
Preface |
3 |
208 |
Editorial Board |
4 |
76 |
Scientific Frontiers |
5 |
632 |
Life Science |
6 |
152 |
Crystal Structure Analysis of Septum Site-determining Protein MinD from Pyrococcus horikoshii OT3 |
7 |
244 |
Crystal Structure of Biliverdin Reductase |
9 |
460 |
High-Resolution Structure of Bovine Milk Xanthine Oxidoreductase and Inhibitor Complexes |
11 |
336 |
Structure of the Electron Transfer Complex Between Ferredoxin and Ferredoxin-NADP+ Reductase |
14 |
308 |
Structure of Prostaglandin D Synthase Complexed with Drug Molecules |
16 |
404 |
Crystallographic Analyses of the Runx-1/AML1 (Runt domain) - DNA Interaction and Its Allosteric Control by CBF |
18 |
404 |
A Mechanical Switch Found in the Bacterial Flagellar Protofilament Structure |
21 |
284 |
Dynamical Observations of Individual Protein Molecules with X-rays |
23 |
276 |
Motion of Activated Myosin Heads as Detected by Fiber X-ray Diffraction |
25 |
204 |
Global Heterogeneity of Glomerular Volume-distribution Evaluated by Three-dimensional Analysis using Synchrotron Radiation X-ray MicroCT |
27 |
216 |
Materials Science |
29 |
160 |
Bonding Nature in a Novel Superconductor, MgB2 |
30 |
472 |
Novel Structures of C60 and C70 -Encapsulating Carbon Nanotubes |
34 |
376 |
Evidence for the Diffusion of Au Atoms into the Te UPD Layer Formed on an Au(111) Substrate |
36 |
444 |
Orbital State Study of Mn in Colossal Magnetoresistance Material La2-2xSr1+2xMn2O7 by Magnetic Compton Profile Measurement |
38 |
584 |
X-ray Powder Diffraction from Solid Deuterium |
41 |
268 |
XMCD Measurements of Fe4N under High-pressure |
43 |
376 |
Chemical Science |
45 |
152 |
Nuclear Motion of Polyatomic Molecules Probed by High-resolution Resonant Auger Spectroscopy |
46 |
188 |
Photoemission Study on the Surface Reaction Dynamics of Si(001) Oxidation by Supersonic O2 Molecular Beams |
48 |
568 |
X-ray Absorption Fine Structure of Free Selenium Clusters |
51 |
244 |
Investigation of Local Structure of Re Active Site in Re/ -Fe2O3 Catalysts by Re-K Edge EXAFS |
53 |
224 |
Earth & Planetary Science |
55 |
244 |
High Pressure Phase Transition and Behavior of Proton in Brucite Mg(OH)2 |
56 |
488 |
Phase Boundary of Silicon Dioxide SiO2 under High-pressure and -temperature Determined by In Situ DAC Laser Heating Technique |
59 |
208 |
Three-dimensional Structures of Chondrules: their Motions in the Primordial Solar Nebula |
61 |
404 |
Environmental Science |
64 |
180 |
Direct Speciation of Copper, Lead, Antimony, Zinc and Chromium in Municipal Solid Waste Incinerator Fly Ash by X-ray Absorption Fine Structure Spectroscopy |
65 |
488 |
Trace Characterization of Individual Aerosol Particles using an X-ray Microprobe |
68 |
448 |
Imaging of Heavy Metal Distribution in Thin Tissue Sections of Itai-itai Disease Kidney and Rat Kidney by X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis |
71 |
424 |
Industrial Application |
74 |
64 |
Structural Study on a Layered Thermoelectric Material: InGaZnO4 |
75 |
240 |
Local Structure around In Atoms in InGaN Single-quantum-well by XAFS |
77 |
252 |
Fluorescence XAFS Analysis of Some Industrial Materials |
80 |
436 |
XAFS Analysis of the Structural Change in Si-Zr-C-O Fiber Accompanied by Thermal Decomposition |
83 |
728 |
Instrumentation & Methodology |
87 |
76 |
Laser-SR Synchronization |
88 |
400 |
X-ray Intensity Interferometry using E = 120 meV Monochromatized Beam |
91 |
200 |
X-ray Interferometer of Separate Components |
93 |
332 |
Nuclear Resonant Scattering from 161Dy at 25.65 keV |
96 |
468 |
Detection of Trace Metals by Means of an Efficient Wavelength-dispersive X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometer |
99 |
636 |
Accelerators and Beamlines Frontiers |
103 |
800 |
Beam Performance |
104 |
1,300 |
Transport Channel & Optics |
110 |
388 |
Detectors |
113 |
1,400 |
Facility Status |
115 |
300 |
Machine Operation |
116 |
64 |
Beamlines |
117 |
112 |
User Operation |
118 |
276 |
Budget and Manpower |
122 |
284 |
Organization and Committees |
124 |
108 |
Cover |
248 |
Colophon |
16 |
Back Cover |
196 |