SPring-8, the large synchrotron radiation facility

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The 1st AOFSRR Summer School - Cheiron School 2007 -

Period from Sep 10 to 20 , 2007
Venue Lecture Hall in Public Relations Center
Host/Organizer AOFSRR
Co-host/Cooperator KEK
Format Lecture
Fields Beamlines・Instrumentation (including Accelerators and Light Sources), Materials Science, Life Science, Industrial Applications

The objective of the AOFSRR is to establish a general framework of collaboration for the development of science and technology, which mutually benefits advancing the research goals of the Parties, and to promote comprehensive cooperation in Asian - Oceania region. The AOFSRR has decided to hold the summer school to provide useful and basic knowledge as well as perspectives of synchrotron radiation science and technology for graduate students, postdoctrals, young scientists and engineers in Asian - Oceania region.

Language: English

Number of Participants: 40 from Overseas / 40 from Japan

Participating Countries: Australia/ China/ India/ Republic of Korea/ Singapore/ Taiwan/ Thailand/ Japan

Curriculum: please click here

Principal : Yoshiyuki Amemiya (President of AOFSRR, University of Tokyo, Japan)
Vice Principal: Keng Liang (Vice President of AOFSRR, NSRRC, Taiwan)
Secretary: Masaki Takata (RIKEN/JASRI/SPring-8, Japan)

Council Member
Richard Garrett (ASRP/Australia)
Osamu Shimomura (KEK/Japan)
In Soo Ko (PAL/Korea)
Herbert Moser (SSLS/Singapore)
Rajendra Nandedkar (INDUS/India)
Weerapong Pairsuwan (NSRC/Thailand)
Hongjie Xu (SSRF/China)
Brendan Kennedy (The University of Sydney/Australia)
Shih-Lin Chang (NTHU/Taiwan)
Moonhor Ree (PAL/Korea)
Soichi Wakatsuki (KEK/Japan)

Local Organizing Member
Masaki Takata (RIKEN/SPring-8)
Masayo Suzuki (JASRI/SPring-8)
Kouki Sorimachi (RIKEN/SPring-8)
Hiroaki Kimura (JASRI/SPring-8)
Haruo Ohkuma (JASRI/SPring-8)
Ryotaro Tanaka (JASRI/SPring-8)
Naoto Yagi (JASRI/SPring-8)
Yoshiharu Sakurai (JASRI/SPring-8)
Shunji Goto (JASRI/SPring-8)

International Advisory Board
Hiroyoshi Suematsu (RIKEN/Japan)
Akira Kira (JASRI/Japan)
J. Murray Gibson (APS/USA)
W. G. “Bill” Stirling (ESRF/France)
Gerhard Materlik (Diamond/UK)
Nobuhiro Kosugi (IMS/Japan) 

Note: the venue on September 12 is the Himeji City Museum of Literature.

URL http://cheiron2007.spring8.or.jp/index.html
Contact Address Aya Inobe (Ms.) Cheiron School 2007 Secretariat
Last modified 2011-06-09 10:26