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187th SPring-8 Seminar

Subtitle/Subject Superconductivity of CePt3Si and LaPt3Si without Inversion Symmetry: Analysis by Magnetic Penetration Depth
Period Apr 30 , 2009
Host/Organizer JASRI/SPring-8
Format Lecture
Fields Materials Science

Date: 13:30 April 30(Thu.), 2009

Place: Houkoukan

Speaker: Dr. Ismaldo Bonaldes

Affiliate: Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Cientificas

Title: Superconductivity of CePt3Si and LaPt3Si without Inversion Symmetry: Analysis by Magnetic Penetration Depth

CePt3Si remains as the most interesting superconductors without spatial inversion symmetry. Few of the superconducting properties of CePt3Si are experimentally well substantiated, although not quite understood yet: a constant spin susceptibility in parallel and perpendicular field orientation across Tc, line nodes in the energy gap, and an upper critical magnetic field higher than the weak- coupling Pauli limiting field. Recently, two other intriguing issues have been unmasked in CePt3Si: the superconducting transition is broad and occurs at two different temperatures depending on the sample or the measuring technique. In this talk I will present a short review on the physics of noncentrosymmetric superconductors and discuss the origin of the line nodes and the broad superconducting transition in CePt3Si in terms of the results of the magnetic penetration depth of CePt3Si and isostructural nonmagnetic LaPt3Si. We will see that parity mixing may not determine the structure of the energy gap in CePt3Si and CeIrSi3 and that the broad superconducting transition in CePt3Si may not be due to impurities/defects. I will also present details of our technique to measure the magnetic penetration depth.

JAEA Shin-ichi Fujimori
PHS: 3914

Contact Address Shinji Kakiguchi, ONOMURA Kazuyuki SPring-8 Seminar secretariat, JASRI/SPring-8
Last modified 2009-05-27 12:35