SPring-8, the large synchrotron radiation facility

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191st SPring-8 Seminar

Subtitle/Subject Development of a synthetic diamond radiation detector as an energy spectrometer.
Period Jul 02 , 2009
Venue Kamitsubo Hall
Host/Organizer JASRI/SPring-8
Format Lecture
Fields Beamlines・Instrumentation (including Accelerators and Light Sources)

Date: 14:00-15:00 July 2(Thu.), 2009

Place: Kamitsubo Hall

Speaker: Junichi Kaneko

Language: Japanese

Affiliate: Hokkaido University

Title: Development of a synthetic diamond radiation detector as an energy spectrometer.

High-purity type IIa diamond single crystals grown by a high-temperature and high-pressure method were commercially available in 1995. A radiation detector made of this diamond crystal had higher energy resolution of 0.4 % for alpha particles. However, sever charge trapping on electrons occurred in this crystal, and a practical radiation detector was not achieved by HP/HT diamond. On the other hand, a high-quality diamond single crystal was grown by a chemical vapor deposition method; approximately 100% charge collection was achieved for holes and electrons, respectively. Unfortunately there is a lack of reproduction in such high-quality diamond crystals at present.
In this talk, a general view of development of synthetic diamond radiation detectors mainly through the speakers developments will be presented. Growth of diamond crystals and evaluation technique will be included. Moreover,
latest results on a self-standing CVD diamond single crystal in size of cm made by a lift-off method will be touched.

Yoshihiro Asano (Riken)

Contact Address Shinji Kakiguchi, ONOMURA Kazuyuki SPring-8 Seminar secretariat, JASRI/SPring-8
Last modified 2011-06-09 10:26