SPring-8, the large synchrotron radiation facility

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202nd SPring-8 Seminar

Subtitle/Subject Future prospects in high resolution energy dispersive spectroscopy with Superconducting Transition Edge Sensor X-ray microcalorimeters
Period Sep 28 , 2010
Venue Kamitsubo Hall
Host/Organizer JASRI/SPring-8
Format Lecture
Fields Beamlines・Instrumentation (including Accelerators and Light Sources)

Date : 16 : 00-16 : 30 28th September (Tue.), 2010

Place : Kamitsubo Hall

Speaker : Hiroyuki Takahashi

Language : JAPANESE

Affiliate : Department of Nuclear Engineering and Management, The University of Tokyo

Title : Future prospects in high resolution energy dispersive spectroscopy with Superconducting Transition Edge Sensor X-ray microcalorimeters

Abstract :
Superconducting Transition Edge Sensors (TES) are very promising X-ray detectors that enable sub-eV energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy.
In this seminar we introduce our research and development work at the University of Tokyo and show future prospects of ultra-high energy resolution X-ray spectroscopy with large format array TES microcalorimeters.
At this moment, we have achieved 30eV energy resolution for new detector structure using large X-ray absorbers. Actually measured energy resolution of better than 7 eV has been achieved by irradiation of external beam of synchrotron radiation. Furthermore, we have demonstrated the 1MeV region
spectroscopy with large lead absorber for the first time.

Organizer : Hidenori Toyokawa
PHS : 3865

Contact Address Shinji Kakiguchi, ONOMURA Kazuyuki SPring-8 Seminar secretariat JASRI/SPring-8
Last modified 2011-06-09 10:25