Subtitle/Subject |
I20 beamline capabilities and gas adsorption in metal organic frameworks
Period |
from 10:00 to 11:00 Fri., Sep 26 , 2014
Venue |
Kamitsubo Hall
Host/Organizer |
Format |
Abstract |
Speaker : Dr. Roberto Boada Romero
Language : ENGLISH
Affiliation : Postdoctoral Research Associate in I20 beamline at Diamond Light Source
Title : I20 beamline capabilities and gas adsorption in metal organic frameworks
The Versatile EXAFS beamline I20 at Diamond Light Source is dedicated to EXAFS in low concentrated samples and/or in an x-ray unfavourable heavy matrix, X-ray emission spectroscopy (XES) and energy dispersive EXAFS(EDE). In the first part of my talk I will introduce the two branches of the beamline and the available sample environment. In the second part I will talk about the study of the role played by the open metal sites in the gas adsorption of metal organic frameworks and how the characterization of the changes in the local structure and the electronic properties of the metal centre upon adsorption of gas molecules by mean of less conventional spectroscopy techniques such as X-ray Emission Spectroscopy (XES) or Energy Dispersive EXAFS (EDE) could potentially help in the further understanding of the gas adsorption and selectivity at the uncoordinated metal centres.
Organizer : Naomi Kawamura
Mail :
PHS : 3323
Contact Address |
SPring-8 Seminar secretariat JASRI/SPring-8
Ayame Tsuda, Shizu Yoshikawa Research Coordination Division
Last modified
2016-02-08 14:44