Period |
from 13:30 to 14:30 Fri., Jul 13 , 2018
Venue |
1st floor meeting room at Main Building
Format |
Abstract |
Speaker: Jeremy Flamanc
Language: English
Affiliation: Mirion Technologies CANBERRA
Title: X-ray detectors for your Challenging Application
Various Ge/Si detectors are used at synchrotron radiation facility all over the world.
Particularly we present a multi-pixel Ge detector with the new generation preamplifier which has excellent high count rate and the resolution performance.
The electric cooling unit can be used with multi-pixel Ge detector instead of LN2 cooling.
In addition, Ge/Si strip detector for the diffraction or imaging application and 7 elements SDD will be taken up.
Organaizer: Imai Yasuhiko
e-mail: imai
PHS: 3848
Organaizer: Sekizawa Oki
e-mail: sekizawa
PHS: 3116
Contact Address |
SPring-8 Seminar secretariat Shinobu Miyoshi / Minako Koujibata
General Administration Division/SPring-8/Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute (JASRI)
Last modified
2018-07-11 18:22