Subject/Contents |
Advanced Single- and Multi-Element SDD for Synchrotron Applications
Period |
from 13:30 to 15:00 Thu., Jul 25 , 2019
Venue |
Kamitsubo Memorial Hall
Host/Organizer |
Format |
Abstract |
Speaker: Dr. Shaul Barkan
Language: English
Affiliation: Hitachi High-Technologies Science America, Inc. CTO Detector Division
Title: Advanced Single- and Multi-Element SDD for Synchrotron Applications
Hitachi High-Technologies Science America, Inc. (HHS-US) is a manufacturer of Silicon Drift Detectors (SDDs) for various applications. We are very well known in the synchrotron community as the supplier of single-element SDDs as well as of the 4-element SDD, the Vortex® ME-4. Many different versions and models of single- and multi-element SDDs were produced for synchrotron applications.
In the design of our SDD products we emphasize the requirement of having a very high count rate capability; this requirement is in addition to the “common specification”. For example, a SDD with signal output count-rate higher than 7 Mcps (per single channel) was developed for synchrotron applications. The resolution performance (measured by FWHM - full width half maximum) of a manganese (Mn) sample (5.9 keV) is 270 eV at 5 Mcps and 450 eV at 7 Mcps per channel. This performance was measured with an advanced digital pulse processor (DPP). At low count rate of 10 – 100 Kcps, the resolution performance is well below 140 eV.
Multi-element SDD systems with good energy resolution at very high count rates have been deployed at several synchrotron facilities. We completed the development of a 7-element SDD (the Vortex ME7). Each element of the 7-element SDD has a 50 mm2 effective area for a total area of 350 mm2. The 7 elements are designed to have the best “packing factor” to minimize dead space and to locate the elements as close as possible to the center. The snout diameter of the Vortex ME7 is only 1.5” (38.1 mm).
Several other SDD models, such as 3-element SDD focal design, as well as different custom-made 4-element SDD, are already in use at tens of synchrotron facilities in US, Europe and Asia.
We are the only SDD vendor to produce and deliver 1 and 2 mm thick SDD devices, for applications involving higher than 10 keV x-ray analysis.
Shaul Barkan has a long history in the area of radiation detectors. He was educated at the “Technion”, the Israel Institute of Technology, and started his working career at Jordan Valley Applied Radiation, making germanium and Si(Li) detectors. He’s accumulated more than 35 years of experience by working with well-known nuclear and x-ray detector companies such as Jordan Valley Applied Radiation, Princeton Gamma Tech (PGT), Kevex, Photon Imaging, Radiant Detectors and Hitachi-High Technologies. Currently Shaul is the Senior Vice President and CTO of Hitachi High-Technologies Science America, serving in that company since 2006.
Organizer:JASRI Spectroscopy and Imaging Division Nakamura Tetsuya
e-mail:naka / PHS: 3244
RIKEN XFEL Research and Development Division Hatsui Takaki
e-mail:hatsui / PHS: 3948
Contact Address |
SPring-8 Seminar secretariat Shinobu Miyoshi / Minako Koujibata General Administration Division/
SPring-8/Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute (JASRI)
Last modified
2019-07-02 15:45