SPring-8, the large synchrotron radiation facility

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List of SPring-8 Research Proposals 2000A in the first half of 2000 (4/8)

#1 - #50 #51 - #100 #101 - #150 #151 - #200 #201 - #250 #251 - #300 #301 - #350 #351 - #360

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S/N Proposal No. Project Leader Title of Experiment Beamline No.
151 2000A0026-ND -np EIJI, Kamijo Bulk modulus measurement of C3N4 by the x-ray diffraction under high pressures BL10XU
152 2000A0057-ND -np NOZOMU, Hamaya Search for equilibrium structure of Snl4 at high temperature and high pressure BL10XU
153 2000A0076-ND -np TAKAYA, Nagai Stability of CaSiO3-perovskite under high pressure and high temperature BL10XU
154 2000A0083-CD -np AKIFUMI, Onodera Compression behavior of strongly correlated system at cryogenic temperature: cerium compounds. BL10XU
155 2000A0093-CX -np MAKOTO, Yao X-ray Absorption Fine Structure of Selenium Free Clusters BL10XU
156 2000A0100-ND -np NOZOMU, Hamaya Pressure-induced structural phase transition in Pt(bqd)2 BL10XU
157 2000A0173-ND -np YUICHI, Akahama Low-Temperature X-ray Diffraction Study on High-Pressure Phases of Solid Oxygen BL10XU
158 2000A0174-ND -np YUICHI, Akahama Study on Structure Transition to BCC Phase in Titanium under Megabar Pressure BL10XU
159 2000A0180-ND -np ICHIRO, Koyama Structure Determination of High Pressure Phase of Wustite BL10XU
160 2000A0195-CD -np HARUKI, Kawamura Powder X-ray diffraction of solid hydrogen BL10XU
161 2000A0252-ND -np TETSU, Watanuki Pressure effect on the phase boundary between quasicrystal and crystal BL10XU
162 2000A0420-ND -np TAKAMITSU, Yamanaka The metal-insulator transition mechanism of FeS and the phase relation in high temperature (1000°C) and high pressure (60GPa) BL10XU
163 2000A0423-ND -np ICHIMIN, Shirotani Pressure-induced phase transition of LnP(Ln=Gd,Tb,Yb) with NaCl-type structure BL10XU
164 2000A0003-ND -np KOHEI, Uosaki In situ Structural Study of Electrochemically Deposited Layer of Pd on Au(100) Electrode BL14B1
165 2000A0025-ND -np MASAKI, Azuma Phase Diagram Study of Sr-Ca-Cu-O System for Single Crystal Growth and Search for New Quantum Spin Ladder Compounds BL14B1
166 2000A0074-CX -np OSAMU, Ohtaka EXAFS Measurement of GeO2 Glass under High Pressure and Temperature BL14B1
167 2000A0075-CD -np TAKAYA, Nagai Kinetic study at the very early stage of the transition from quartz to coesite by time-resolved diffraction experiments BL14B1
168 2000A0282-CM -np KAZUHIKO, Tsuji Structural study of liquid silicon under pressure using angle-dispersive x-ray diffraction BL14B1
169 2000A0069-CM -np AKIHISA, Takeuchi Production of X-ray Microbeam with a Gazing Incidence Mirror BL20B2
170 2000A0101-NM -np SATOSHI, Iida Development of high energy synchrotron radiation topography BL20B2
171 2000A0103-ND -np SHIGERU, Kimura Detection of microdefects in Si crystals by means of high-energy plane-wave x-ray topography BL20B2
172 2000A0124-COM -np AKIRA, Tsuchiyama A study of three-dimensional structures of chondrules by an XTM BL20B2
173 2000A0125-NOM -np AKIRA, Tsuchiyama An XTM study of analogues for samples returned by MUSES-C mission BL20B2
174 2000A0130-NM -np SEIJI, Kawado Development of Large-Area X-ray Topography to Observe 300mm-diameter Silicon Crystals BL20B2
175 2000A0137-NL -np KEIJI, Umetani Development of micro-angiography system for stereoscopic analysis of microcirculation BL20B2
176 2000A0138-C -np KEIJI, Umetani Development of micro-angiography system for observation and analysis of microcirculation BL20B2
177 2000A0146-CL -np YOSHIO, Suzuki Development of Refraction-contrast Imaging BL20B2
178 2000A0151-NL -np NAOTO, Yagi Evaluation of Density Contrast in Monochromatic X-ray CT Images BL20B2
179 2000A0152-CL -np NAOTO, Yagi Test of ultra-small-angle scattering experiments using a medium-length beamline BL20B2
180 2000A0153-NL -np NAOTO, Yagi Evaluation of High-resolution CT apparatus using Heitzman Preparations BL20B2
181 2000A0251-CM -np YOSHIKI, Kohmura X-ray phase microscopy and X-ray interferometry using X-ray refractive lens BL20B2
182 2000A0321-NOM -np TSUKASA, Nakano A study of 3-dimensional structure of melt and void in rocks by XTM BL20B2
183 2000A0333-ND -np YOSHINORI, Chikaura Tomograohic observation of structure of rubber composite materials by means of X-ray refraction effect BL20B2
184 2000A0358-NOM -np ITSUO, Ohnaka Development of direct observation method of solidification process of metallic alloys BL20B2
185 2000A0359-NL -np ETSURO, Tanaka Microangiography using Gadolinium as a contrast agent .....as a preliminary study for dualcontrast microangiography BL20B2
186 2000A0389-NL -np SHIGEKI, Imai Experimental studies of microangioarchitecture of the tumor using synchrotron radiation BL20B2
187 2000A0421-NL -np CHIKAO, Uyama Development of Medical Diagnostic System Using Synchrotron Radiation BL20B2
188 2000A0099-NS -np HITOSHI, Yamaoka Experimental study of photoabsorption processes of Xe ions (I) BL23SU
189 2000A0123-NL -np AKINARI, Yokoya XANES and in situ EPR studies for DNA related molecules and amino acids around oxygen K-edge BL23SU
190 2000A0190-NS -np MASAKI, Oura Inner-shell photoabsorption experiments on ionic light elements BL23SU
191 2000A0051-NS -np JURGEN, Kirschner Investigation of structure and magnetism of the Cr/Fe interface by photoelectron diffraction BL25SU
192 2000A0052-NS -np SHIN, Imada MCD and high-resolution resonant photoemission of Ni2MnGa and Co2XSn (X=Nb, Ti) BL25SU
193 2000A0055-NS -np SHIN, Imada Rare-earth magnetic moment and electronic states of frustrated systems R2Mo2O7 BL25SU
194 2000A0114-NS -np SHIGEMASA, Suga Bulk sensitive high resolution photoemssion spectroscopy of YbAl3 BL25SU
195 2000A0115-NS -np SHIGEMASA, Suga High resolution photoemission and core absorption MCD of Sm compounds BL25SU
196 2000A0116-NM -np SHIGEMASA, Suga Spin polarized photoemisison and magnetic circular dichroism of photoemission BL25SU
197 2000A0117-NS -np AKIRA, Sekiyama Temperature-dependent high-resolution Yb4f spectra of anti-Th3P4-type Yb compounds showing a charge-ordering BL25SU
198 2000A0118-NS -np AKIRA, Sekiyama High-resolution photoemission study of layered perovskite-type Ru oxides BL25SU
199 2000A0120-NS -np AKIRA, Sekiyama Temperature dependence of high-resolution Ce 4f photoemission spectra of an valence-fluctuating CeNi (Tk~150K) BL25SU
200 2000A0225-NS -np MASAICHIRO, Mizumaki The studies of the electronic structure in Ce(Fe1-xCox)2 systems by the resonant photoemission and the Magnetic Circular Dichroism BL25SU