SPring-8, the large synchrotron radiation facility

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List of SPring-8 Research Proposals 2001A in the first half of 2001 (10/10)

#1 - #50 #51 - #100 #101 - #150 #151 - #200 #201 - #250 #251 - #300 #301 - #350 #351 - #400 #401 - #450 #451 - #474

CONTACT: SPring-8 Users Office; sp8jasri@spring8.or.jp

S/N Proposal Number Research Subject Project Leader Affiliation Country BL Shifts
451 2001A0552-NL -np Structure analysis of complex of blood coagulation factor IX Gla domain and factor IX binding protein from the venom of Trimeraserus flavoviridis Zui Fujimoto National Institute of Agrobiological Resources Japan BL41XU 3
452 2001A0553-NL -np Searching of important regions for controlling actin polymerization and depolymarization Toshiro Oda RIKEN Japan BL40B2 4
453 2001A0554-CL -np X-ray crystallographic analysis of rhodopsin and its early photo-intermediates Tetsuji Okada Kyoto University Japan BL41XU 6
454 2001A0555-NL -np Studies on regulatory mechanisms of the GTP-cyclohydrolase-I/GFRP complex Kengo Okada Nara Institute of Science & Technology Japan BL41XU 3
455 2001A0556-NL -np X-ray crystallographic study of acyl-CoA oxidase Ken Hirotsu Osaka City University Japan BL41XU 3
456 2001A0557-NMS -np Reduction of the noise due to fluctuation of the synchrotron radiation at BL43IR Yasuhiro Kondo Tohoku University Japan BL43IR 9
457 2001A0558-NL -np Fiber diffraction date collection from the bacterial flagellar filaments and TMV Kazuya Hasegawa Japan Science and Technology Corporation Japan BL40B2 3
458 2001A0559-NS -np Infrared microoptical spectroscopy of Silicon Clathrate Yuka Ikemoto JASRI Japan BL43IR 2
459 2001A0560-NS -np Transmission study of Li under Pressure Yoshihisa Mori Okayama University of Science Japan BL43IR 9
460 2001A0561-UL -np Catalytic activity analysis of novel protein PH0054 from hyperthermophile archaebacteria Pyrococcus horikoshii OT3 Min Yao Hokkaido University Japan BL40B2 3
461 2001A0562-NL -np X-ray crystallographic study of serine racemase Ikuko Miyahara Osaka City University Japan BL41XU 2
462 2001A0563-UX -np XAFS Analysis on Fine Structure of Infinitesimal Palladium Species Immobilized on Hydroxyapatite Surface Kiyotomi Kaneda Osaka University Japan BL01B1 3
463 2001A0564-UL -np Protein Crystallography by MAD Method Using 35kev X-rays Nobuo Kamiya RIKEN Japan BL41XU 3
464 2001A0565-UL -np The Mechanism of Thermo-stabilization of Pyrrolidone Carboxyl Peptidase from hyperhermophile, P. furiosus Katsuhide Yutani Osaka University Japan BL40B2 2
465 2001A0566-UL -np Identification of hydrogen atoms of protein at low temperature Takamasa Nonaka Nagaoka University of Technology Japan BL41XU 3
466 2001A0567-UL -np Protein Crystallography by MAD Method Using Xe or Cs Kunio Miki Kyoto University Japan BL41XU 3
467 2001A0569-UL -np X-ray diffraction study on the structural change of firefly squid photoreceptor upon light illumination Toshiaki Hamanaka Osaka University Japan BL40B2 3
468 2001A0570-UX -np High-Resolution Study of Controlled Deexcitation of Nuclear Isomers Carl Collins University of Texas at Dallas U.S.A. BL01B1 9
469 2001A0571-UL -np Replacement of the Mn-cluster in the photosystem II complex by Os Jian-Ren Shen RIKEN Japan BL41XU 3
470 2001A0572-UL -np Evaluation of the thermal vibration of proteins between 30 - 180 K through crystal structure analyses at an atomic resolution Masayoshi Nakasako The University of Tokyo Japan BL40B2 3
471 2001A0573-UL -np Measurement of small angle X-ray scattering from FilI+FilH complex Kazuya Hasegawa Japan Science and Technology Corporation Japan BL40B2 3
472 2001A0575-UM -p Trace Elemental Analysis Using SR XRF Toshio Ninomiya Hyogo Police Japan BL39XU 2
473 2001A0579-UL -np Crystallographic study on the initial stage in photo-reactivation of nitrile hydratase Masayoshi Nakasako The University of Tokyo Japan BL41XU 2
474 2001A0580-UL -np X-ray structural study of the tetraspanin CD81 long extracellular loop complex with inhibitors Kengo Kitadokoro Kyoto University Japan BL40B2 1