S/N |
Proposal Number |
Proposal Title |
Project Leader |
Affiliation |
Country |
Affiliation Category |
Research Category |
Shift |
Beamline |
Proprietary(P) /Non-proprietary(Np) |
101 |
2013A1166 |
Crystal structure analysis of photosystem II at S1 and
S2-states with suppressed radiation damage |
Jian-Ren Shen |
Okayama University |
Japan |
Educational Organization |
Life Science |
6 |
BL41XU |
Np |
102 |
2013A1168 |
Elucidation of structural basis for metal transporting
mechanism of cation transporter |
Osamu Nureki |
The University of Tokyo |
Japan |
Educational Organization |
Life Science |
4.5 |
BL32XU |
Np |
103 |
2013A1169 |
Original density mapping of biological samples using X-ray
phase contrast tomography |
Masato Hoshino |
Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute |
Japan |
National and Nonprofit Organization |
Medical Applications |
12 |
BL20B2 |
Np |
104 |
2013A1170 |
Development of XMCD Detection ESR II |
Hiroyuki Nojiri |
Tohoku University |
Japan |
Educational Organization |
Materials Science and Engineering |
9 |
BL25SU |
Np |
105 |
2013A1171 |
Dynamic Structural and Single-molecule Analysis for the
Conformational Change of Antibody upon the Antigen
Binding using High-speed Diffracted X-ray Tracking with pH-jump |
Masayuki Oda |
Kyoto Prefectural University |
Japan |
Educational Organization |
Life Science |
9 |
BL40XU |
Np |
106 |
2013A1172 |
Infrared reflection spectra of silicates at cryogenic
temperature |
Hiroshi Suto |
National Institutes of Natural Sciences |
Japan |
National and Nonprofit Organization |
Earth and Planetary Science |
12 |
BL43IR |
Np |
107 |
2013A1173 |
Physical origin of density fluctuation with long wavelength
observed during the phase transition in ionic
liquid crystal blends |
Koji Fukao |
Ritsumeikan University |
Japan |
Educational Organization |
Materials Science and Engineering |
6 |
BL40B2 |
Np |
108 |
2013A1174 |
Application of a Si-APD linear-array X-ray detector to the
nuclear resonant small- angle scattering
measurement |
Shunji Kishimoto |
High Energy Accelerator Research Organization |
Japan |
National and Nonprofit Organization |
Beamline Engineering |
9 |
BL09XU |
Np |
109 |
2013A1175 |
Elucidation of amylase function by high resolution X-ray
crystal analysis. |
Bunzo Mikami |
Kyoto University |
Japan |
Educational Organization |
Life Science |
9 |
BL26B1 |
Np |
110 |
2013A1177 |
Development of in-situ Eh meter (Eh: redox potential) based on
the valence ratios of Se or As in barite |
Yoshio Takahashi |
Hiroshima University |
Japan |
Educational Organization |
Environmental Science |
9 |
BL01B1 |
Np |
111 |
2013A1180 |
Development of remote-XAFS system at BL14B2 |
Masafumi Takagaki |
Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute |
Japan |
National and Nonprofit Organization |
Industrial Applications |
6 |
BL14B2 |
Np |
112 |
2013A1181 |
Three-dimensional visualization of microbially influenced
corrosion on
steel |
Hajime Ikegai |
Suzuka National College Technology |
Japan |
Educational Organization |
Materials Science and Engineering |
6 |
BL20XU |
Np |
113 |
2013A1182 |
Local strain measurements for compressive test pieces of new
ultra-high-strength magnesium-base alloys with
synchronized long-period stacking ordered structure |
Shigeru Kimura |
Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute |
Japan |
National and Nonprofit Organization |
Materials Science and Engineering |
3 |
BL28B2 |
Np |
114 |
2013A1183 |
Rapid X-Ray Crystallographic Analysis for Microcrystals of
Highly Reactive Organometallic Compounds Bearing
Nanoscale Organic Substituents |
Tomohiro Agou |
Kyoto University |
Japan |
Educational Organization |
Chemical Science |
6 |
BL38B1 |
Np |
115 |
2013A1184 |
Unraveling the mechanism of the metal-insulator transition in
SrFeO2.75 epitaxial thin films by Mössbauer
measurements |
Daisuke Kan |
Kyoto University |
Japan |
Educational Organization |
Materials Science and Engineering |
12 |
BL09XU |
Np |
116 |
2013A1186 |
Involvement of Yb valence and lattice degree of freedom in
successive phase transitions of YbPd |
Akihiro Mitsuda |
Kyushu University |
Japan |
Educational Organization |
Materials Science and Engineering |
9 |
BL35XU |
Np |
117 |
2013A1187 |
Investigation of structural changes of polymer-coating
micro-granules and filler micro-granules on
tableting by using synchrotron X-ray computed tomography. |
Shuji Noguchi |
University of Shizuoka |
Japan |
Educational Organization |
Life Science |
6 |
BL37XU |
Np |
118 |
2013A1188 |
Local structure analysis of iron-based perovskite oxides
showing giant negative thermal expansion |
Ikuya Yamada |
Osaka Prefecture University |
Japan |
Educational Organization |
Materials Science and Engineering |
6 |
BL01B1 |
Np |
119 |
2013A1189 |
Infrared spectroscopy of SmS under electric field |
Ryuji Okazaki |
Nagoya University |
Japan |
Educational Organization |
Materials Science and Engineering |
6 |
BL43IR |
Np |
120 |
2013A1193 |
Study of 5f electronic state in UPd2Al3 through momentum densities observed by Compton scattering measurement |
Yoshinori Haga |
Japan Atomic Energy Agency |
Japan |
National and Nonprofit Organization |
Materials Science and Engineering |
24 |
BL08W |
Np |
121 |
2013A1194 |
Structural properties of valency-tuned fullerides at high
pressure |
Kosmas Prassides |
Durham University |
UK |
Foreign |
Materials Science and Engineering |
12 |
BL10XU |
Np |
122 |
2013A1196 |
Analysis of phase separation and orientation in polymeric
semiconductor thin films |
Tomoya Higashihara |
Yamagata University |
Japan |
Educational Organization |
Industrial Applications |
6 |
BL46XU |
Np |
123 |
2013A1197 |
Interplay between 45 K superconductivity and lattice collapse
transition of CaFe2As2 |
Minoru Nohara |
Okayama University |
Japan |
Educational Organization |
Materials Science and Engineering |
6 |
BL02B2 |
Np |
124 |
2013A1198 |
Clarifying the chemical state of additives in the membranes
for polymer electrolyte fuel cells (PEFCs) by XAFS |
Toshihiro Tanuma |
Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. |
Japan |
Industry |
Industrial Applications |
6 |
BL14B2 |
Np |
125 |
2013A1199 |
The structure of low melting point rapid phase-change material
Ge-Cu-Te |
Shinji Kohara |
Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute |
Japan |
National and Nonprofit Organization |
Materials Science and Engineering |
9 |
BL04B2 |
Np |
126 |
2013A1200 |
Structural relaxation of amorphous GeSbTe studies by soft
x-ray XANES |
Alexander Kolobov |
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology |
Japan |
National and Nonprofit Organization |
Materials Science and Engineering |
6 |
BL27SU |
Np |
127 |
2013A1201 |
In situ observations of decomposition of clino-pyroxene at
high pressures |
Shigeaki Ono |
Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology |
Japan |
National and Nonprofit Organization |
Earth and Planetary Science |
12 |
BL04B1 |
Np |
128 |
2013A1202 |
Local structure of SiO2-ZrO2-P2O5-Li2O glass ceramics
synthesized with ion exchange |
Tomoyuki Tsujimura |
Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. |
Japan |
Industry |
Industrial Applications |
1 |
BL19B2 |
Np |
129 |
2013A1203 |
Elucidation of the energy dissipation due to strain-induced
crystallization of elastomers |
Masatoshi Tosaka |
Kyoto University |
Japan |
Educational Organization |
Materials Science and Engineering |
12 |
BL40XU |
Np |
130 |
2013A1207 |
Structural Analysis of DDS nanoparticles with Anomalous
small-angle X-ray scattering |
Kazuo Sakurai |
The University of Kitakyushu |
Japan |
Educational Organization |
Medical Applications |
12 |
BL40B2 |
Np |
131 |
2013A1208 |
Hydrogenation process in fullerene under high pressure |
Hitoshi Yusa |
National Institute for Materials Science |
Japan |
National and Nonprofit Organization |
Materials Science and Engineering |
9 |
BL10XU |
Np |
132 |
2013A1212 |
Establishment of Nondestructive Observation and 3-D Imaging Method for Internal Damages in Ti/CFRP Hybrid Laminates by
Laminography |
Hayato Nakatani |
Osaka City University |
Japan |
Educational Organization |
Industrial Applications |
6 |
BL19B2 |
Np |
133 |
2013A1214 |
The fundamental study on excavated cultural properties made from composite mterials by using Infrared mixroscopy |
Masanori Sato |
National Institutes for Cultural Heritage |
Japan |
National and Nonprofit Organization |
Other |
6 |
BL43IR |
Np |
134 |
2013A1215 |
Improvements in the quality of HP-XRD powder patterns by using
the synchronized shutter with DAC oscillating
mechanism. |
Hitoshi Yusa |
National Institute for Materials Science |
Japan |
National and Nonprofit Organization |
Materials Science and Engineering |
6 |
BL04B2 |
Np |
135 |
2013A1216 |
X-ray crystal structure determination of the PPAR ligand
binding domain-partial agonist complexes |
Takuji Oyama |
University of Yamanashi |
Japan |
Educational Organization |
Life Science |
3 |
BL38B1 |
Np |
136 |
2013A1218 |
The clarification of the initiation and propagation processes
of small cracks in subsurface fatigue fractures of
high strength titanium alloys |
Takashi Nakamura |
Hokkaido University |
Japan |
Educational Organization |
Materials Science and Engineering |
6 |
BL20XU |
Np |
137 |
2013A1219 |
Analysis of the movement mechanism of photoinduced bending crystals |
Kingo Uchida |
Ryukoku University |
Japan |
Educational Organization |
Materials Science and Engineering |
6 |
BL02B1 |
Np |
138 |
2013A1220 |
Local structure of supported Au cluster catalysts doped by a
single Pd atom synthesized by Plasma treatment
method |
Seiji Yamazoe |
The University of Tokyo |
Japan |
Educational Organization |
Chemical Science |
9 |
BL37XU |
Np |
139 |
2013A1221 |
Elucidation of the Mechanism for the Reaction Catalyzed by Membrane-bound Nitric Oxide Reductase |
Takehiko Tosha |
Japan |
National and Nonprofit Organization |
Life Science |
6 |
BL41XU |
Np |
140 |
2013A1222 |
Local Structure Analysis on BaZrO3-Based High-Temperature Protonic Conductor |
Yasushi Idemoto |
Tokyo University of Science |
Japan |
Educational Organization |
Chemical Science |
9 |
BL04B2 |
Np |
141 |
2013A1226 |
NRVS of mononuclear and binuclear non-heme iron enzymes |
Edward Solomon |
Stanford University |
Foreign |
Life Science |
21 |
BL09XU |
Np |
142 |
2013A1228 |
Kinetics of pH change-induced structural transition between
cubosome and liquid-crystalline phases in
dioleoylphosphatidylserine/monoolein membranes |
Toshihiko Oka |
Shizuoka University |
Japan |
Educational Organization |
Life Science |
9 |
BL40B2 |
Np |
143 |
2013A1229 |
Observation of treatment effect on photo-damaged hair using
differential phase scanning X-ray microscopy |
Tomomitsu Kawai |
Kanebo Cosmetics Inc. |
Japan |
Industry |
Industrial Applications |
12 |
BL20XU |
Np |
144 |
2013A1230 |
Hydride reactions on ReO3 and VF3 structures and their effect
on negative thermal expansion |
Hiroshi Kageyama |
Kyoto University |
Japan |
Educational Organization |
Materials Science and Engineering |
6 |
BL02B2 |
Np |
145 |
2013A1231 |
X-ray crystallography of membrane receptor complexes inducing synapse formation |
Shuya Fukai |
The University of Tokyo |
Japan |
Educational Organization |
Life Science |
4.5 |
BL41XU |
Np |
146 |
2013A1234 |
A HAXPES study on Li-ion battery materials after full-scale
degradation tests for electric vehicles |
Hideto Imai |
Nissan Arc, Ltd. |
Japan |
Industry |
Industrial Applications |
6 |
BL46XU |
Np |
147 |
2013A1235 |
Investigation of electric-field induced magnetic anisotropy
change in
Fe(Co) ultra-thin films by fluorescence yield soft-XMCD |
Yoshishige Suzuki |
Osaka University |
Japan |
Educational Organization |
Materials Science and Engineering |
9 |
BL25SU |
Np |
148 |
2013A1239 |
Mechanism of reaction specificity of PLP enzyme |
Takeshi Murakawa |
Osaka Medical College |
Japan |
Educational Organization |
Life Science |
6 |
BL38B1 |
Np |
149 |
2013A1240 |
Direct observation of the dynamical motion of orbitals coupled
with frustrated spin system |
Yusuke Wakabayashi |
Osaka University |
Japan |
Educational Organization |
Materials Science and Engineering |
12 |
BL35XU |
Np |
150 |
2013A1241 |
X-ray crystallographic analysis of interaction mode between a
mammalian glucose transporter and its inhibitors |
Norimichi Nomura |
Kyoto University |
Japan |
Educational Organization |
Life Science |
6 |
BL41XU |
Np |