The 9th APPEAL Seminar
Date and Time: 11:30 - 12:30, April 20th, 2004
Place: Seminar room B , Main building 3F, SPring-8
Speaker: Prof. T. Shintake (RIKEN)
Title: Status of SCSS: SPring-8 Compact SASE Source Porject
Abstract: RIKEN/SPring-8 is carrying out the SCSS project, which is aiming at generating soft-X-ray laser beam using 1 GeV beam based on SASE: Self Amplification of Spontaneous Emission. SCSS team, about 30 people jointed from RIKEN, JASRI and KEK, collaborating to develop hardware key items, such as, low emittance electron source, C-band high gradient accelerator, short period undulator and precise beam control. We hope to start constructing machine from 2005, and start beam operation in 2007, at 4 nm wavelength.
For the long term perspective, we are also designing 6 GeV machine, user facility, having 10 or more beam lines, radiation at X-ray wavelength (1 Å).
Contact: Prof. Hiro Ejiri. SPring-8/IIAS/RCNP