updated 2023/09/28

Rules of the use of Chemistry Preparation Room have changed.
Chemistry Preparation Room is now operated by Research and Utilization Division of JASRI, SPring-8.
●Outline of Chemistry Preparation Room
Chemistry Preparation Room is located on the south side of the D1 door of the Storage Ring building (We used to have two rooms but one is now closed). The Room is equipped with a fumehood with a water scrubber, and under this hood, one may use volatile acids, corrosive gases (such as HF), etc. Users must apply for the use of the Room by sending an application form in advance. Admitted users may use the Room 7 days a week, 24 hrs a day. The entrance is controlled by an ID card reader. Prior to use, users are requested to take an instruction course by one of the lab managers.
Procedures for the use of Chemistry Preparation Room
(1) Application
- The representative (usually Project Leader) of the user group who wish to use the Room must file an application form at least 4 days in advance of use. Shortly the users will be notified of the name and the contact information (PHS number) of the lab manager who will take care of the user group. The user group will take an instruction course before use and a check after use from this lab manager.
(2) Instruction before use and check after use
- The time for the instruction and the check is, in principle, restricted to 9:00-17:00 of weekdays.
(3) Use of chemicals
a. Chemicals equipped in the Room
- As for the chemicals listed below, users are encouraged to use those equipped in the Room, rather than to bring in their own. Bottles of these chemicals will be handed to the users by the lab manager. The users must keep log by weighing the bottle before and after use. The bottles must be returned to the lab manager at the time of check after use.
- HF, HCl, HNO3, H2SO4, H2O2
b. Chemicals to carry in
- To carry harmful, toxic or inflammable chemicals via public tranportation is prohibited. If the users need to carry in those chemicals, when they are not in the stock of the Room, please consult the lab manager or the beamline scientist in advance. Never arrange to send them to Users Office.
c. Use of the fumehood
- The bottles of volatile or corrosive chemicals (including those equipped in the Room) should be opened under the humefood after it is activated and under necessary protection (i.e., wearing gloves, protective clothes, goggles, etc). Experimental waste and rinse must not be dumped to the sink of the fumehood, but store them in designated waste tanks. In an emergency one may dump such chemicals to the sink, but if this has happened, report to any of the lab managers or Safety Office (2200) without delay.
d. Experimental waste (liquid)
- Experimental waste (liquid) and rinses should be stored in designated waste tanks. The containers used for volatile chemicals should be washed under the fumehood.
(4) Use of gases
- Compressed air, nitrogen and argon are available in the Room. For the use of hydrogen, please consult any of the lab managers in advance. Except for air and nitrogen, the main valves of the cylinders are usually closed. Users who wish to use these gases should apply in advance by explicitly write in the application form for approval. Users may not operate the main valves of the cylinders. Bringing in user's own cylinders is NOT normally approved because of the tight restriction by the law.
(5) Experimental waste (solid)
- Solid experimental wastes (plastics, wipes, etc.) must be sorted and stored in designated containers.
(6) In case of emergency
- In case of fire or explosion, swiftly evacuate from the spot and protect yourself. Next, alert to others surrounding you and call the security guard at ext. 119.
(7) Miscellaneous
- If anything is unclear please contact any of the lab managers. The names and contact information of the lab managers are posted in the Room.
- Chemistry Preparation Room does not have resident personnel, so that please pay extra attention to your own safety. In addition, the Room is monitored by the security staff by a video camera.
- Users may not bring food or beverages into the Room.
- In case the users damage the properties of the Room or cause serious safety problems intentionally or due to negligence, the users may be suspended for the readmission to the Room and will be requested to compensate for the damage.
(8) List of the equipment and instruments of the Room
(9) Contact information for the lab managers
Chief lab manager:
Kazuo Kato (PHS:3949) Gou Matsubara (PHS:3492)
lab managers:
- Kazuo Kato (PHS:3949),Katayama Misaki (PHS:3630),Masunaga Hiroyasu
(PHS:3935),Imai Yasuhiko (PHS:3478)
Nitta Kiyofumi (PHS:3775), Ohta Noboru (PHS:3590), Sekiguchi Hiroshi (PHS:3110),Tono
Kensuke (PHS:3321),Katayama Tetsuo (PHS:3220), Koganezawa Tomoyuki (PHS:3377),Sato Masugu
(PHS:3507) ,Takagaki Masafumi (PHS:3497),Watanabe Takeshi
(PHS:3216),Baba Seiki (PHS:3510),Okumura Hideo(PHS:3755),Seo Okkyun(PHS:3403)
For questions and opinions please contact the administrator.