
SPring-8 Users Community (SPRUC)

Research Group:

Industrial Users Community of Practice (IUCoP)


Masugu Sato
Koto 1-1-1, Sayogun, Hyogo Japan
Telephone: +81-791-58-0924
msato (at)

Research Area:

Applied Materials


all Public Beamlines, BL03XU, BL08B2, BL16XU, BL16B2, BL24XU, BL28XU, BL33XU

Overview of Research Group, Goals and Purposes:

Member: Industrial Users Community of Practice, or IUCoP, is a group of SPring-8 users who utilize any of the industrial contract or public BLfs for industrial application research. The IUCoP also welcomes any SPring-8 users who conduct experiments under the research proposals approved in the eIndustrial Categoryf.
Objective: The CoP wishes to optimise business outcomes from SPring-8 applications of the industrial practitioners by:
  • Facilitating the members to share status of leading capability at each individual BL and technical benefit from the capability,
  • Discussing improvement areas of specific measurement techniques,
  • Communicating common obstacles to the optimum uses of the SR capabilities and capacities to SPRUC, and
  • Sharing successful examples of internal/external communication to encourage sustainable use of SPring-8 by companies.
The CoP would also sense expectations to top-notch capabilities in SPring-8 II.
Activity: Examples of vehicle of the IUCoP could be the following events:
  • Each individual userfs voice at the BL in use
  • Annual Joint Conference on Industrial Applications of SPring-8, jointly organised by the entities listed above, and
  • Seminar series of Communities of Interests in the Industrial Users Society of SPring-8 (IUSS).
