
SPring-8 Users Community (SPRUC)

Research Group:

Particle and Nuclear Science with Laser-Electron Photons


Takatsugu Ishikawa
10-1, Mihogaoka, Ibaraki, Osaka 567-0047, Japan
Telephone: +81-6-6879-8942

Research Area:

Fundamental Characterization, Measurements



Overview of Research Group, Goals and Purposes:

The laser-electron photon (LEP) beam is a polarized GeV gamma-ray beam which is produced by backward Compton scattering of injected ultraviolet (or deep ultraviolet) laser photons off circulating 8-GeV electrons. The wavelength of such a high energy photon is shorter than the typical size of a hadron (~1 fm) and then we can use this beam to investigate the sub-structure of hadron, i.e., the quark world. This is a very special beam which is different from X-rays used in other beamlines at SPring-8, and is mostly utilized for the study of quark-nuclear physics. The main activities of this research group are;

  1. publications of the advanced technologies and results obtained from the hadron physics experiments of photo-nucleon or photo-nuclear reactions with the LEP beam,
  2. promotion of various applications of LEP beam like detector tests using GeV gamma-rays or converted electrons/positorons,
  3. to strengthen information exchange and cooperation with other experiments using Bremsstrahlung photons or MeV LEP, on production methods of beam, technologies of particle measurements, and physics being promoted.
  4. To strengthen collaborative research with other researchers promoting hadron physics, such as meson beam users at J-PARC.
We aim to share information among users, to expand users, and to make progress in future uses with these activities. The GeV LEP beam can now be produced only at SPring-8 and is uniqe at SR facilities around the world. The goal is to output remarkable results in the particle-nuclear science with LEP beam and to extend the rsearch by increasing the beam intensity and developing new detectors.
