Research Group:
Particle and Nuclear Science with Laser-Electron Photons
Takatsugu Ishikawa |
10-1, Mihogaoka, Ibaraki, Osaka 567-0047, Japan |
Telephone: +81-6-6879-8942 |
ishikawa(at) |
Research Area:
Fundamental Characterization, Measurements
Overview of Research Group, Goals and Purposes:
The laser-electron photon (LEP) beam is a polarized GeV gamma-ray beam which is produced by backward Compton scattering of injected ultraviolet (or deep ultraviolet) laser photons off circulating 8-GeV electrons. The wavelength of such a high energy photon is shorter than the typical size of a hadron (~1 fm) and then we can use this beam to investigate the sub-structure of hadron, i.e., the quark world. This is a very special beam which is different from X-rays used in other beamlines at SPring-8, and is mostly utilized for the study of quark-nuclear physics. The main activities of this research group are;
- publications of the advanced technologies and results obtained from the hadron physics experiments of photo-nucleon or photo-nuclear reactions with the LEP beam,
- promotion of various applications of LEP beam like detector tests using GeV gamma-rays or converted electrons/positorons,
- to strengthen information exchange and cooperation with other experiments using Bremsstrahlung photons or MeV LEP, on production methods of beam, technologies of particle measurements, and physics being promoted.
- To strengthen collaborative research with other researchers promoting hadron physics, such as meson beam users at J-PARC.