
SPring-8 Users Community (SPRUC)

Research Group:

Research group on evaluation of residual stress and strength


Takahisa Shobu
2-4 Shirakata, Tokai-mura, Naka-gun, Ibaraki, 319-1195 JAPAN
Telephone: +81-29-282-5478
shobu.takahisa (at)

Research Area:

Applied Materials, Measurements


BL02B1, BL08B2, BL13XU, BL14B1, BL16XU, BL16B2, BL19B2, BL22XU, BL24XU, BL28B2, BL33XU

Overview of Research Group, Goals and Purposes:

The rational design of machines and structures is required for construction of a secure and safe society. For that reason, it is important to grasp the distribution of the stress/strain in engineering components. Purpose of this research group is to develop the high accuracy nondestructive evaluation techniques to measure the stress/strain in complex components. Furthermore, defects and deformation damage of components in service are evaluated. These techniques contribute to the development of the design method of structures and new materials.

Keywords: Strength of material, Stress/Strain, Residual stress, Deformation, Damage, Defects, Fracture, Life evaluation
