SPring-8 Users Community (SPRUC)

Research Group:

Biomedical micro/nano imaging

  Atsushi Ito
  4-1-1 Kitakaname, Hiratsuka-shi, Kanagawa, 259-1292 Japan.
  Telephone: +81-463-58-1211 ext. 4148/ +81-463-50-2017
  aeito( at )keyaki.cc.u-tokai.ac.jp

Overview of Research Group, Goals and Purposes:

Biomedical micro/nano imaging group aims at the development and utilization of hard X-ray imaging systems for biomedical specimens using mainly phase contrast technique in combination with tomography and fluorescence X-ray imaging. The activities include the following:

  • 1) Proposal of the upgrade of experimental stations for observing biomedical specimens: The proposal is presented based on our significant outputs on the observation of biomedical specimens, such as a larger size of imaging area applicable to specimens from human.
  • 2) Discussion on research topics suitable for the use of SPring-8 and SACLA: Promising research topics are discussed and selected for the establishment of the biomedical imaging field in the SPring-8 research planning. The station upgrade should be proposed according to this discussion.

Organization of users’ group for biomedical imaging: The close communication is definitely required for the development of biomedical imaging activities among X-ray optics researchers, biomedical researchers experienced in the use of synchrotron radiation X-rays and non-experienced potential biomedical researchers. Furthermore the organization is open to the users from various research fields targeting specimens composed of light elements including material science, polymer science and environmental science, in addition to biology and medicine. Periodical workshop is planned for 1) informing the potential users of the present status of phase contrast imaging and promoting the proposal of research projects, 2) acceleration of research collaboration, and 3) discussion on the selected research projects effective in the station upgrade requirement.
