SPring-8 Users Community (SPRUC)

Research Group:

Soft Interface Science

  Ken-ichi Iimura
  Yoto-7-1-2, Utsunomiya 321-8585, Japan.
  Telephone: +81-28-689-6172/ Fax: +81-28-689-6172
  emlak( at )cc.utsunomiya-u.ac.jp

Overview of Research Group, Goals and Purposes:

@The soft interface science group aims at establishing advanced X-ray experimental techniques and apparatus at SPring-8 for in situ measurements of spatiotemporal structures and dynamics of molecular thin films at soft interfaces (fluid/fluid interfaces), as well as to develop forefront, prominent scientific areas of the soft interfaces through discussions and collaborations among researchers. The soft interfaces have been attracting growing attention not only because of academic importance of studying static and/or dynamic structures of molecular assemblies under interfacial force field but also as ideal systems to give fundamental aspects for understanding functions and features of vesicles, emulsions, and even more complicated biological molecular assemblies such as biomembranes, which are important objects in various industries such as pharmaceuticals, foods, cosmetics, and so on. Additionally, the soft interfaces are flexible, easily affected by vibration, always thermally agitated (capillary wave), accompanied with molecular exchange between the interfaces and the bulk phases, and thus possess essentially different characteristics from those for hard interfaces. The third-generation synchrotron-radiation X-rays at SPring-8 are indispensable for studies on molecular- or atomic-level structures of soft interfaces. The group members from academia and industry will collaboratively develop the SPring-8 facilities and gather together to exchange their knowledge, experiences, and opinions on the soft interfaces, leading to consecutive progress of advanced researches in soft interface science using synchrotron-radiation sources.
