(*) Each title on this contents page is linked to a PDF file. |
Page |
Size |
Contents |
1 |
1.2MB |
Preface |
5 |
766KB |
Editor's Note |
6 |
828KB |
Scientific Frontiers |
7 |
905KB |
Earth Science in SPring-8 |
8 |
1.4MB |
Cardiovascular Medicine in SPring-8 |
12 |
1.3MB |
Life Science: Structural Biology |
Crystal structure of the LH1-RC complex in bacterial photosynthesis
K. Takeda and K. Miki |
16 |
1.1MB |
Crystal structure of an associated form of NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase with heme oxygenase
M. Sugishima, K. Fukuyama and M. Noguchi |
18 |
1.1MB |
Crystal structure of voltage-gated proton channel
K. Takeshita, Y. Okamura and A. Nakagawa |
20 |
1.1MB |
Crystal structure of heterotetrameric NMDA receptor reveals insights into subunit arrangement and function
E. Karakas and H. Furukawa |
22 |
1.1MB |
Agonist-bound structure of purinergic receptor P2Y12
K. Zhang, J. Zhang, B. Wu and Q. Zhao |
24 |
1MB |
Crystal structure of YidC reveals a mechanism of Sec-independent membrane protein
K. Kumazaki , T. Tsukazaki and O. Nureki |
26 |
1.1MB |
Structure of the human DDB1– Cereblon – thalidomide complex
T. Mori and T. Hakoshima |
28 |
945KB |
Crystal structure of Cas9 in complex with guide RNA and target DNA
H. Nishimasu and O. Nureki |
30 |
1MB |
Life Science: Medical Biology |
Blue light-induced conformational changes in Chlamydomonas phototropin
K. Okajima and M. Nakasako |
32 |
1MB |
Real time intramolecular motion of ligand-gated ion channel at the single molecule level
H. Sekiguchi and Y. C. Sasaki |
34 |
1.1MB |
Role of Rho-kinase in early diabetic coronary vasoconstriction
J. T. Pearson, M. Shirai and K. Umetani |
36 |
1MB |
Materials Science: Structure |
Ferrocene-based metal-organic nanotubes and nanorings with ultra-large dimensions:Redox-mediated modulation of noncovalent forces
T. Fukino |
38 |
1.2MB |
Spatially resolved structure and spectroscopic analysis of a plastically bent molecular crystal
M. K. Panda, N. Yasuda, T. Moriwaki and P. Naumov |
40 |
1.4MB |
Highly efficient carbon monoxide trap by a transformable soft nanospace of porous crystal
R. Matsuda |
42 |
1.1MB |
Acute and obtuse rhombohedrons in the local structures of relaxor ferroelectric Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3
W. Hu, K. Hayashi and K. Ohwada |
44 |
1.1MB |
Lattice symmetry breaking at the hidden-order transition in URu2Si2
T. Shibauchi |
46 |
1.1MB |
Materials Science: Electronic & Magnetic Properties |
Electron-doping evolution of spin and charge excitations in cuprate superconductors
K. Ishii and M. Fujita |
48 |
1.3MB |
A complete high-to-low spin state transition of trivalent cobalt ion
in octahedral symmetry in SrCo0.5Ru0.5O3–δ
J.-M. Chen, Z. Hu and L. H. Tjeng |
50 |
1.1MB |
Fracture-induced amorphization of polycrystalline stishovite: Amorphization makes the ceramic tough
N. Nishiyama |
52 |
1.1MB |
Complementary use of soft X-ray operando spectromicroscopies on the developments of next-generation devices
H. Fukidome, M. Kotsugi and M. Oshima |
54 |
1.2MB |
How important is the surface potential barrier to determine the lifetime of photoexcited carriers on TiO2 photocatalysts?: Time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy study
K. Ozawa, S. Yamamoto and I. Matsuda |
56 |
1.5MB |
Novel transition from dimer Mott to charge order phase in a quarter-filled organic salt
R. Okazaki and I. Terasaki |
58 |
1.9MB |
Synchrotron radiation-based Mössbauer spectra of 174Yb measured with internal conversion electrons
R. Masuda and M. Seto |
60 |
1MB |
Chemical Science |
Pt chemical species mapping in polymer electrolyte fuel cells by spatially-resolved nano-XAFS techniques
S. Takao, O. Sekizawa and Y. Iwasawa |
62 |
1.1MB |
In situ observation of fuel cell electrodes by ambient-pressure hard X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy
Y. Takagi, T. Yokoyama and Y. Iwasawa |
64 |
1.2MB |
Remarkably enhanced hydrogen-storage capacity and speed in Pd nanocrystals covered with a metal-organic framework
H. Kobayashi, G. Li and H. Kitagawa |
66 |
1.2MB |
Inhomogeneity of liquid water revealed by resonant soft X-ray vibrational spectroscopy
Y. Harada, T. Tokushima and S. Shin |
68 |
1.1MB |
Dynamical active optics for hard X-ray lasers
H. Yoneda |
70 |
1MB |
X-ray two-photon absorption
K. Tamasaku |
72 |
1MB |
Earth & Planetary Science |
Low core-mantle boundary temperature inferred from the solidus of pyrolite
R. Nomura |
74 |
1.1MB |
High-pressure radiative conductivity of dense silicate glasses and implications for dark-magmas at the Earth's core-mantle boundary
M. Murakami |
76 |
1.1MB |
Elastic anisotropy of experimental analogs of perovskite and post-perovskite by means of inelastic X-ray scattering
A. Yoneda |
78 |
1.1B |
Transportation of water into the deep lower mantle by new type of dense hydrous magnesium silicate
M. Nishi, T. Irifune and J. Tsuchiya |
80 |
1MB |
Environmental Science |
Detection of uranium and chemical state analysis of individual radioactive microparticles emitted from the Fukushima nuclear accident using multiple synchrotron radiation X-ray analyses
Y. Abe, Y. Iizawa and I. Nakai |
82 |
988KB |
The chemical form of sulfur compounds in the Japanese pink coral (Corallium elatius) skeleton using µ-XRF/XAS speciation mapping
Y. Tamenori, T. Yoshimura and N. Iwasaki |
84 |
1.1MB |
Tungsten species in natural ferromanganese oxides related to its different behavior from molybdenum in oxic ocean
T. Kashiwabara and Y. Takahashi |
86 |
1.1MB |
Application of selenium in barite as a new redox indicator
K. Tokunaga, Y. Yokoyama and Y. Takahashi |
88 |
1.1MB |
Industrial Applications |
Determining the operating principle of a three-terminal domain wall device
H. Tanigawa |
90 |
1.2MB |
Structural characterizations of organic semiconductor thin films investigated by two-dimensional grazing incidence X-ray diffraction
T. Watanabe |
92 |
1.1MB |
Latest findings and measures in hair changes due to aging
L. Ito, K. Suzuta and H. Takano |
94 |
1.4MB |
Non-platinum group metal catalysts of direct hydrazine anionic membrane fuel cells for automotive applications
H. Tanaka, K. Asazawa and T. Sakamoto |
96 |
1.1MB |
Nuclear Physics |
Backward-angle photoproduction of and η' mesons from protons at Eγ = 1.5 - 3.0 GeV
Y. Morino |
98 |
923MB |
Accelerators & Beamlines Frontiers |
100 |
924KB |
SPring-8 |
Beam Performance |
101 |
1.1MB |
New Apparatus, Upgrades & Methodology |
Major upgrade of BL25SU for soft X-ray imaging and spectroscopy using nano- and micro-focused beams |
104 |
938KB |
Development of high lateral and wide angle resolved hard X-ray photoemission spectroscopy |
106 |
1.2MB |
Beam Performance |
108 |
895MB |
New Apparatus, Upgrades & Methodology |
Extreme power density of hard X-ray free electron laser pulses generated by a two-staged reflective focusing system |
110 |
929KB |
Development of a diamond X-ray phase retarder to generate a circularly polarized XFEL beam at SACLA |
112 |
1MB |
Wavefront measurements by means of X-ray grating interferometry |
114 |
1MB |
X-ray two-dimensional detector with a multi-port charge-coupled device for X-ray free electron laser experiments |
116 |
1MB |
Single shot coherence properties of SACLA in the hard X-ray regime |
118 |
1.3MB |
Second harmonic generation at hard X-ray wavelengths |
120 |
963KB |
Femtosecond time-resolved X-ray absorption spectroscopy using SACLA: Dual beam direct absorption and X-ray fluorescence |
122 |
1.1MB |
Femtosecond single-shot imaging with MAXIC at SACLA |
124 |
1.1MB |
Imaging live cells by X-ray laser diffraction |
126 |
1MB |
KOTOBUKI-1 apparatus for cryogenic coherent X-ray diffraction imaging |
128 |
979KB |
Single-shot 3D structure determination of nanocrystals using femtosecond X-ray free electron laser pulses |
130 |
1MB |
Serial femtosecond rotation crystallography: an opportunity for high-resolution crystal structure determination free from radiation damage |
132 |
964KB |
Facility Status |
134 |
682KB |
SPring-8 SPring-8 Facility Status |
Ⅰ. Introduction |
135 |
705KB |
Ⅱ. Machine Operation |
136 |
350KB |
Ⅲ. Beamlines |
137 |
894KB |
Ⅳ. User Program and Statistics / Ⅴ. Research Outcome / Ⅵ. Budget and Personnel |
141 |
665KB |
Ⅶ. Research Complex |
141 |
869KB |
Ⅷ. Users Societies and Other Activities |
143 |
1.3MKB |
SACLA Facility Status |
Ⅰ. Introduction / Ⅱ. Machine Operation & Beamlines / Ⅲ. User Program and Statistics /Ⅳ.Research Outcome |
144 |
1MB |
146 |
717MB |
Fabrication of lab-on-a-chip by direct dry etching of PTFE using SR |
147 |
957KB |
Cover |
506KB |
Colophon |
515KB |
Back Cover |
498KB |
Note: The principal publication(s) concerning each article is indicated with all author's names in italics in the list of references. |