大型放射光施設 SPring-8


SPring-8 セミナー(第111回)

副題/演題 Physics of Carbohydrate Complexes in 2D and 3D Systems
開催期間 2004年02月03日
開催場所 萌光館
主催 (財)高輝度光科学研究センター
形式 レクチャー(講演)
分野 物質科学

日   時 : 2004年2月3日 14:00 - 15:30

講演者 : Motomu Tanaka
所   属 : Emmy Noether Project Leader of Biophysics
              Dept. Phys., Tech. Univ. Munich, Garching, Germany

  Surfaces of plasma membranes are rendered with glycocalix, which are oligo- and polysaccharide chains adjacent to glycolipids, peptidoglycans, and glycoproteins. They are serving as stabilizers to retain plasma membrane structures as well as "repellers" to keep a certain distance between neighboring cells. They take stable conformation via relatively weak (generic) forces, such as electrostatic interaction, hydrogen bonding, and long-range van der Waals interaction. Here, I introduce several physical methods to study the impact of molecular structures in their generic interactions in various length scales (phase transition, 2D/3D structures, viscoelasticity) at the interface. In addition, I will highlight our recent challenge toward the control of bio-specific functions through controlled self-assemblies of functional carbohydrate clusters.


問い合わせ先 井上 勝晶 (PHS 3326) (財)高輝度光科学研究センター 利用促進部門 II

最終変更日 2006-04-08 17:01