大型放射光施設 SPring-8


SPring-8 セミナー(第121回)

副題/演題 Bulk strain-, phase-, and texture mesurements with high spatial resolution using novel slit systems and high energy synchrotron radiation/HARWI II: The new high energy materials science beamline of GKSS at the HASYLAB
開催期間 2004年06月23日
開催場所 萌光館
主催 (財)高輝度光科学研究センター
形式 レクチャー(講演)
分野 ビームライン・装置(加速器・光源を含む), 物質科学

日   時 : 2004年6月23日 11:00-12:00

講演者 : Rene Martins
所   属 : Institute for Materials Research, HASYLAB, DESY

  In recent years two types of novel slit systems, the so called conical slit cell and the spiral slit system, have been developped at the ESRF. In combination with a large area detector with fast readout and a microfocussed high energy synchrotron beam dynamic in-situ texture and strain measurements became feasible.
The talk will focus in particular on the texture and strain investigation of solid Al torsion samples, using the conical slit cell. The capabilities of the spiral slit system will be demonstrated by its application to the studies of dissimilar friction stir welds.

  In the second part an overview will be given of the new high energy materials science beamline of GKSS at the HASYLAB which is presently under construction. In an outlook the planned experimental setups in the field of tomography and diffraction will be described.

問い合わせ先 Alfred Baron (PHS 3883) (財)高輝度光科学研究センター

最終変更日 2006-04-08 17:01