概要 |
日 時 : 平成16年8月27日 16:00-17:00
講演者 : Prof. Gayle E. Woloschak 所 属 : Northwestern University, Feinberg School of Medicine, Department of Cell and Molecular Biology
講演要旨 In order to develop TiO2-biopolymer nanocomposites as new vehicles for biotechnology-inducible gene specific endonucleases, we need to establish that oligonucleotides attached to TiO2 nanoparticle show sequence specificity with regard to targeting different cellular locations. Inside cells, DNA can be found both in the nucleus and in mitochondria. Previously, TiO2-nanocomposites targeted for the nucleus had been demonstrated [1, 2]. We used nanocomposites with oligonucleotides matching the mitochondrial genome of the rat [5' carboxy dTccactttccacacag (MIT1s-TiO2) present in mitochondria of rat pheochromocytoma cell line PC12]. Because TiO2 has an inducible charge-separation that occurs following exposure to electromagnetic radiation of energies greater than 3.2eV, novel properties of the combined organic (DNA) and inorganic (TiO2) of these nanoparticles can be exploited.