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副題/演題 Surface Dynamics During MBE Growth of GaAs on Patterned Substrates
開催期間 2005年02月25日
開催場所 上坪講堂
主催 (財)高輝度光科学研究センター
形式 レクチャー(講演)

日   時 : 2005年2月25日 13:30-14:30

講演者 : Tom Tiedje 教授
所   属 : Electrical and Computer Engineering University of British Columbia

  Studies of surface shape evolution during MBE growth on patterned GaAs substrates have led to an understanding of how substrate topography can be used to control the migration of deposited adatoms in homoepitaxy [1]. In-situ light scattering measurements and ex-situ atomic force microscopy experiments on flat and patterned GaAs surfaces, show that adatoms respond to surface slopes as if there were an anti-Ehrlich-Schwoebel potential barrier at step edges which drives adatoms downhill. Using this concept we are able to predict the evolution of the shape of patterned GaAs (100) surfaces during growth for surface slopes up to about 30 degrees [2]. In addition we can express the coefficients of the continuum growth equation for GaAs, analogous to the KPZ equation, in terms of atomistic parameters for the adatom dynamics.

1. A. Ballestad et al. J. Cryst. Growth 271, 13 (2004)
2. A. Ballestad et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 159604 (2004)

問い合わせ先 小林 啓介 (PHS 3386) (財)高輝度光科学研究センター

最終変更日 2009-05-27 12:36