副題/演題 | The 2nd International Workshop on Hard X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy |
開催期間 | 2006年09月19日から20日まで |
開催場所 | 普及棟講堂 |
主催 |
財団法人高輝度光科学研究センター 独立法人理化学研究所播磨研究所 大阪大学21世紀COEプログラム「物質機能の科学的解明とナノ工学の創出」 |
形式 | |
分野 | 物質科学 |
概要 | The aim of this Workshop is to exchange the latest information on the development of hard X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and its applications. This field has attracted much wider attention in both the basic and applied sciences following the first international workshop which was held at the ESRF, Grenoble in 2003. The 2006 workshop will cover applications in solid-state physics, nano- sciences and technologies, chemical analyses, and industrial research and development. It will also cover developments in analyzers, X-ray optics, and new methods such as angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy, surface standing wave, and micro spectroscopy with a focused beam. |
URL | http://haxpes2006.spring8.or.jp/index.html |
問い合わせ先 |
JASRI研究調整部 0791-58-0987 0791-58-0988 haxpes06@spring8.or.jp |
2009-05-27 12:36