副題/演題 | The 5th International Conference on LEEM/PEEM |
開催期間 | 2006年10月15日から19日まで |
開催場所 | イーグレひめじ(兵庫県姫路市) |
主催 |
社団法人応用物理学会 SPring-8 |
協賛者など |
姫路市 独立行政法人日本学術振興会 日本化学会 日本放射光学会 触媒学会 日本応用磁気学会 社団法人日本顕微鏡学会 日本真空協会 |
形式 | |
分野 | 物質科学 |
概要 | The 5th International Conference on LEEM/PEEM will be held at the Egret Himeji in Himeji, Japan, from the 15th-19th October 2006. The meeting will cover the theory, instrumentation and applications of cathode lens microscopy including LEEM, PEEM, SPLEEM, XPEEM and related techniques. Also welcome are topics concerning time-resolved measurements, a field which has recently become very active. The purpose of the meeting is to give a biannual review of the present state of the field, to facilitate the exchange of experience between researchers, and to introduce interested scientists to LEEM/PEEM research. |
URL | http://leem-peem-v.spring8.or.jp/index.html |
問い合わせ先 |
JASRI研究調整部 0791-58-0987 0791-58-0988 leem-peem-v@spring8.or.jp |
2009-05-27 12:36