日程 : 2006年7月11日 15:00-16:00 Date : 15:00-16:00, Jly 11, 2006
場所 : 萌光館 Place : HOUKOUKAN
講演者 : S. Vakhrushev 教授 (東京大学物性研究所 客員、Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute ) Speaker : Dr. S. Vakhruschev (The Institute for Solid State Physics、Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute )
講演タイトル:Neutron and X-ray scattering study of Relaxor Ferroelectrics and ferroelectric and magnetic nanocomposits
アブストラクト: Abatract: RELAXOR FERROELECTRICS Relaxor ferroelectrics were first discovered 50 years ago. Their name is related to the existence of the broad frequency dependent maximum in the e(T) dependence. These materials demonstrate giant dielectric susceptibility and record values of the electromechanic coupling. Recently substantial successes were achieved in the determination of the microscopic nature of the relaxors and I would like to summarize the main points: (i) The key concept for the understanding of the relaxors is the formation of the polar nanoregions (PNRs) at temperatures far above the position of the maximum of e: Tm. Characteristic size of the PNRs is from few to about a hundred nanometers and neutron and X-ray scattering are the most effective ways of their study. (ii) Formation of the PNRs is directly related to the condensation of the TO soft mode as it is evidenced by the neutron scattering. (iii)On cooling through the Tm either glass-like or nanodomain state is formed, depending on the cooling condition and exact material composition. Measurements of the neutron and SR scattering allow determining the average spatial parameters of the low-temperature state. The most prospective method to get detailed information on the nanodomain structure and dynamics is the coherent SR scattering technique, but no such results were reported yet.
FERROELECTRIC and MAGNETIC PHASE TRANSITIONS in CONFINEMENT It is known that finite-size effect results in the drastic changes of physical properties of dispersed materials. One can expect observed phenomena to become especially significant if the characteristic size of dispersed particles becomes comparable with correlation length of the order parameter critical fluctuation. There are different methods of preparation of such dispersed substances and one of them is an intrusion of materials into artificial or natural porous matrices that we have used for producing nanocomposite materials.
FERROELECTRIC NANOCOMPOSTES We have obtained samples of low-melting and water-soluble ferroelectrics such as KH2PO4, KD2PO4, Rochelle salt, NaNO2 in porous glasses with average pore sizes from 3 nm to 20 nm, chrysotile asbestos, opals. The most complete and most intriguing results were obtained for the NaNO2 nanocomposites. We have demonstrated, that as a result of the confinement results (in the case of narrow pores) first-order ferroelectric phase transition becomes continuous In addition to the change of the order of the transition we have found the giant growth of the thermal ionic displacements in the paraelectric state resulting and the formation of the specific premelted state with the amplitude of the atomic vibration of the order of interatomic distance. This result obtained by the neutron diffraction measurements was confirmed by the NMR data.
MAGNEIC NANOCOMPOSITES MnO, CoO, Fe2O3 in porous glasses, asbestos and MCM-41 and SBA-15 silica matrices were obtained. Neutron and X-ray diffraction study together with ESR and direct magnetization measurements were carried out. It was demonstrated that the transition order changes as a function of the pore size and cluster morphology.
担当者:青木 (PHS 3140) Organizer: AOKI (PHS 3140)