SPring-8 Seminar (第183回)
副題/演題 | NSLS-IIプロジェクトの現状 |
開催期間 | 2009年03月06日 |
開催場所 | 蓄積リング棟2階会議室(計算機室) |
主催 | 財団法人高輝度光科学研究センター(JASRI) |
形式 | |
分野 | ビームライン・装置(加速器・光源を含む) |
概要 |
日 時:2009年3月6日(金) 15:00-16:00 場 所:蓄積リング棟2階会議室(計算機室) 講演者:田辺 敏也 所属:ブルックヘブン国立研究所(アメリカ) 演題:NSLS-IIプロジェクトの現状 Abstract: There will be six phase-I beamlines. One (X-ray powder diffraction) will utilize in-line DW (7m total), three (Hard X-ray nanoprobe, Coherent hard X-ray scattering, Inelastic X-ray scattering) will use 3m in-vacuuum undulators (IVUs), another one (sub-micron resolution X-ray spectroscopy) will employ a shorter (~1.2m) canted IVU. Elliptically Polarized Undulators (EPUs) will be used for coherent soft-X-ray scattering and polarization beam line. Due to lack of hard X-ray flux from weak dipole field (0.4 Tesla), three pole wigglers of peak field over 1 Tesla will be mainly used by NSLS bending magnet beam line users. Quasi-periodic EPU and superconducting wiggler have been planned for the second phase of the project. As of February 18, 2009, a construction firm has been selected for conventional facility and a ground breaking ceremony is planned in April. Major procurement such as magnets, vacuum chamber and linac will follow. 担当者:渡部 貴宏 |
問い合わせ先 |
JASRI 研究調整部 研究業務課 SPring-8セミナー事務局
垣口 伸二、原田 芙美子 0791-58-0949 0791-58-0988 spring8_seminar@spring8.or.jp |