大型放射光施設 SPring-8


SPring-8 Seminar (第183回)

副題/演題 NSLS-IIプロジェクトの現状
開催期間 2009年03月06日
開催場所 蓄積リング棟2階会議室(計算機室)
主催 財団法人高輝度光科学研究センター(JASRI)
形式 レクチャー(講演)
分野 ビームライン・装置(加速器・光源を含む)

日 時:2009年3月6日(金)  15:00-16:00
Date:15:00-16:00 March 6, 2009

場 所:蓄積リング棟2階会議室(計算機室)
Place:in front of central control room

講演者:田辺 敏也
Speaker:Toshiya Tanabe

Affiliate: Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA

Title:Current Status of NSLS-II Project

National synchrotron light source –II (NSLS-II) will provide the electron beam with sub-nm.rad horizontal emittance and 500mA of electron beam current with top-off capability by the year 2014.  Damping wigglers with peak field of 1.8T will be utilized for both emittance reduction purpose and hard x-ray source for users.  The bending magnet field is chosen to be relatively weak (0.4T) compared to other light sources in order to minimize the dispersion in the arc.  Injectors will be composed of a 200MeV linac and a full energy (3 GeV) booster ring. 

There will be six phase-I beamlines.  One (X-ray powder diffraction) will utilize in-line DW (7m total), three (Hard X-ray nanoprobe, Coherent hard X-ray scattering, Inelastic X-ray scattering) will use 3m in-vacuuum undulators (IVUs), another one (sub-micron resolution X-ray spectroscopy) will employ a shorter (~1.2m) canted IVU.  Elliptically Polarized Undulators (EPUs) will be used for coherent soft-X-ray scattering and polarization beam line. Due to lack of hard X-ray flux from weak dipole field (0.4 Tesla), three pole wigglers of peak field over 1 Tesla will be mainly used by NSLS bending magnet beam line users.  Quasi-periodic EPU and superconducting wiggler have been planned for the second phase of the project.

As of February 18, 2009, a construction firm has been selected for conventional facility and a ground breaking ceremony is planned in April.  Major procurement such as magnets, vacuum chamber and linac will follow.

担当者:渡部 貴宏
Organizer:Takahiro Watanabe

問い合わせ先 JASRI 研究調整部 研究業務課 SPring-8セミナー事務局 垣口 伸二、原田 芙美子
最終変更日 2009-05-27 12:36