大型放射光施設 SPring-8


SPring-8 Seminar (第195回)

副題/演題 Non-invasive study of hemozoin nano-crystals in malaria infected red blood cells using synchrotron radiation
開催期間 2009年11月06日
開催場所 構造生物学研究棟109-110
主催 財団法人高輝度光科学研究センター(JASRI)
形式 レクチャー(講演)
分野 生命科学

日 時: 2009年11月6日(金) 13:30-15:00

場 所: 構造生物学研究棟109-110

Speaker: Prof. Jens Als-Nielsen

Language: English

Affiliate: University of Copenhagen

Title: Non-invasive study of hemozoin nano-crystals in malaria infected red blood cells using synchrotron radiation

Within the complex life cycle of the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum, there is a stage where the parasite lives in the red blood cell and degrades host hemoglobin as a major source of amino acids. The inner part of the hemoglobin, the heme ferriprotoporphyrin is toxic to the parasite in the free state, but when converted into a crystalline compound, called malaria pigment or hemozoin, it is harmless.
The aim of our experiments is to investigate how these crystals are formed, because one may then device methods to slow down or inhibit the crystal formation and in this way let the parasite kill itself. The crystal structure of the synthetic form, called beta-hematin, is known, and hemozoin crystals have been studied for years by TEM revealing their submicron size. However, the methodology of TEM necessitates a substantial amount of handling of the red blood cell and the hemoszoin crystals, so essential features of the crystal growth may be lost. Our approach has been to utilize powerful nano-Xray beams now available to carry out a non-invasive study, and in the seminar we shall describe progress in this direction, albeit the study is presently by no means complete.

担当者: 加藤 健一
PHS: 3476
E-mail: katok@spring8.or.jp

問い合わせ先 JASRI 研究調整部 研究業務課 SPring-8セミナー事務局 垣口 伸二、小野村 和幸
最終変更日 2011-06-09 10:26