SPring-8 Seminar (第270回)
主題/内容 | HAXPES and other Photon Science activities at DESY |
開催期間 | 2017年10月06日 (金) 16時00分から17時00分まで |
開催場所 | 上坪講堂 |
主催 | (公財)高輝度光科学研究センター(JASRI) |
形式 | |
概要 |
Speaker: Prof. Wolfgang Drube Language: English Affiliation: Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY Photon Science, Hamburg (Germany) Title: HAXPES and other Photon Science activities at DESY Abstract: This dedicated HAXPES beamline comprises a selection of techniques using specialized instruments built and operated in collaboration with external user groups. These include HAXPES with optional multi channel spin detection using a 2D spin filter, HAXPEEM, k-space microscopy and high-pressure HAXPES. All current HAXPES activities at beamline P09 will be relocated to the new beamline. This new beamline is one of many currently being built as part of the PETRA III extension project which added two new experimental halls to the storage ring. Looking further into the future (~10 years ahead), DESY is now preparing a proposal for a major facility upgrade, “PETRA IV”, which will be a completely new multi-bend achromat 6 GeV machine with an horizontal emittance down to ~10pm rad yielding a diffraction limited beam up to 10 keV photon energy. The new facility is also planned to provide additional beamlines for techniques making use of the extreme source brilliance. In addition, DESY is continuing and expanding its FEL activities at FLASH with the recent addition of FLASH II and the involvement in the European XFEL, which recently had been officially inaugurated after providing first light for initial experiments. 担当者: 櫻井吉晴 |
問い合わせ先 |
JASRI 研究支援部 研究調整課 SPring-8セミナー事務局
三好忍/糀畑美奈子 0791-58-0833 0791-58-0830 minako@spring8.or.jp |