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Local structure analysis of Re/Fe2O3 catalysts by high energy XAFS

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Inquiry number




Scientific keywords

A. Sample category inorganic material
B. Sample category (detail) amorphous, glass
C. Technique absorption and its secondary process
D. Technique (detail) XAFS, EXAFS, XANES
E. Particular condition polarization (linear), low-T (~ liquid He)
F. Photon energy X-ray (> 40 keV)
G. Target information chemical state, chemical bonding, local structure, function and structure, function

Industrial keywords

level 1---Application area display, environment, Chemical product, others
level 2---Target catalysis, Environmental material
level 3---Target (detail)
level 4---Obtainable information local structure, chemical state
level 5---Technique XAFS, NEXAFS


A80.34 catalysis, M40.10 XAFS

Body text

In this solution, EXAFS method was applied to study local environments of Re(9.2 wt%)/Fe2O3, catalysts for methanol partial oxidation reaction to produce methylal. The EXAFS method is a powerful technique to study local structure (distance, coordination number, species of neighbor atoms) of selected elements both in crystalline states and in non-crystalline states. For this sample, Re L3-edge EXAFS is difficult to measure due to large absorption by Fe2O3 support. High quality EXAFS spectrum could be measured at high energy Re K-edge (Fig. 1). EXAFS analysis revealed that Re and Fe atoms form a Re-Fe binary oxide and stabilize an active ReO4 structure (Fig. 2).

Fig. 1 Re K-edge EXAFS spectrum of Re(9.2 wt%)/Fe2O3.

Fig. 2 Proposed structure of Re active site on Re/Fe2O3.


Source of the figure

Bulletin from SPring-8

Bulletin title

SPring-8 Research Frontiers, 2000-2001




XAFS spectra of dense samples are taken in a transmission mode. This method is performed by measuring x-ray absorption as a function of x-ray energy around an absorption edge of a selected element. Since EXAFS oscillation is smeared in high-energy region, XAFS spectra at more than 50 keV are usually measured at low temperature (10 K) to get high quality data by lowering temperature factor. Acquisition time per XAFS spectrum using QXAFS mode is 30-45 min in this solution.

Source of the figure

No figure

Required time for experimental setup

2 hour(s)


Instrument Purpose Performance
XAFS Measurement System Measurement of XAFS spectra 3.8-113 keV
Ionization Chamber Measurement of transmission mode XAFS concentration > 1000 ppm


Document name
T. Shido et al., SPring-8 Reserch Frontiers, 2000-2001, (2001) 53

Related experimental techniques


The measurement was possible only in SPring-8. Impossible or very difficult in other facilities.
This solution is an application of a main instrument of the beamline.

Ease of measurement


Ease of analysis


How many shifts were needed for taking whole data in the figure?

Less than one shift

Last modified 2022-05-06 15:21