BL13XU High-Resolution Powder-Diffractometer
High-Resolution Powder-Diffractometer
The high-resolution powder diffractometer installed in the third hutch of BL13XU is designed to meet the various demands of both academic and industrial users for the analysis of X-ray diffraction and/or scattering under various sample environments by using high-brilliance, high-energy X-rays. The system is capable of measuring powder diffraction patterns in the order of milliseconds with high angular-resolution using high-energy X-rays up to 70 keV. The target material of this measurement-system is from crystalline and disordered crystalline matters to nanoparticles, and cover a wide range of fields from qualitative analysis of powder samples to the study of structural properties closely related to the manifestation of physical properties using Rietveld analysis and PDF. In addition, the instrument switching unit can provide a large sample space of about 600 mm, enabling various in-situ/operando X-ray diffraction experiments.
This system is scheduled to be available from 2022B. Please contact the beamline scientist if you would like to use this system.
This measurement-system has a θ/2θ biaxial diffractometer with a 6-axis high-speed spinner sample stage and 6 detector arms (Lambda 750 K is installed on each arm) on a 2θ. The distance between the sample and the detectors can be changed between 500 and 1,100 mm according to the experimental demands. The angular resolution is Δ2θ = 0.003 ∼ 0.006°, and the detectable 2θ range is 1 ∼ 80°, or 1 ∼ 40° in single-shot mode for operando measurements. A small sample-cell can also be mounted on the spinner stage. Moreover, heating/cooling units such as nitrogen gas low/high temperature strean devices and a large area 2-D flat panel detector (XRD1611, detector area: 400 x 400 mm2) unit can be combined. The sample-to-detector distance (300 - 1,000 mm) of the 2D flat-panel detector is also variable.
The capillary sample temperature can be changed over a wide temperature-range from 90 K to 1,100 K. In combination with the sample changer, up to 100 samples can be automatically measured, including those at variable temperatures. Furthermore, by using a cryostat, measurements at temperatures as low as 5 K can be performed. The use of an electric furnace and a high-temperature stage allows high-temperature environments up to 1,200 K and 1,400 K, respectively. A remote gas handling system to control various gas and vapor atmospheres is also planned to be installed. A large stage (θ, XYZ axes) is available and can be automatically inserted/ejected to enable various in-situ/operado measurements.
If you plan to conduct in-situ/operando measurements using new equipment, please contact the person in charge before submitting a proposal.
Shogo Kawaguchi (
Hiroki Yamada (