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Studying of generation process of Pd cluster in zeolite

Inquiry number



BL28B2 (White Beam X-ray Diffraction)

Scientific keywords

A. Sample category inorganic material
B. Sample category (detail) metal, alloy
C. Technique absorption and its secondary process
D. Technique (detail) XAFS, EXAFS, XANES
E. Particular condition high-T (~500 C), time-resolved (slow)
F. Photon energy X-ray (4-40 keV)
G. Target information chemical state, local structure, structure analysis, structural change

Industrial keywords

level 1---Application area environment, Chemical product
level 2---Target catalysis
level 3---Target (detail)
level 4---Obtainable information interatomic distance, local structure, chemical state
level 5---Technique XAFS


A80.34 catalysis, M40.10 XAFS

Body text

In this solution, Energy-dispersive XAFS (DXAFS) was applied to Pd cluster loaded on H-ZSM5 during temperature-programmed heating in a H2 flow to analyze Pd K-edge EXAFS spectra. DXAFS is a powerful tool for studying dynamic structural changes of materials during chemical reactions. Using this technique, it becomes possible to obtain XAFS spectrum with time resolution of less than 1 second. These data reveal the fact that the stable metal Pd6 clusters was generated on the zeolite in a reduction atmosphere.

Figure. Pd K-edge EXAFS Fourier transforms for Pd loaded on H-ZSM5 measured in H2 flow.

[ K. Okumura, R. Yoshimoto, T. Uruga, H. Tanida, K. Kato, S. Yokota and M. Niwa, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 108, 6250-6255 (2004), Fig. 5(b), 7(a),
©2004 American Chemical Society ]

Source of the figure

Original paper/Journal article

Journal title

Journal of Physical Chemistry B 108(2004)6250

Figure No.



Energy dispersive XAFS (DXAFS) is a powerful technique to study of dynamic structural changes of materials.  The technique is applicable to materials during chemical or physical reactions and provides knowledge about a reaction intermediate and the generation process of materials.

Source of the figure

Private communication/others


Required time for experimental setup

6 hour(s)


Instrument Purpose Performance
Energy-dispersive XAFS Time resoived XAFS measurement energy region:7-40keV, time resolution:tens of milliseconds to seconds


Document name
Journal of Physical Chemistry B 108(2004)6250

Related experimental techniques


This solution is an application of a main instrument of the beamline.

Ease of measurement


Ease of analysis


How many shifts were needed for taking whole data in the figure?

Less than one shift

Last modified 2006-03-31 11:26