大型放射光施設 SPring-8


BL39XU 10T superconducting magnet



10 T superconducting magnet

  The superconducting magnet (SCM) is designed for XMCD experiments under a magnetic field up to 10 T. The assembly of a variable temperature insert (VTI) allows measurements between 2 and 300 K.
  Figure 1 shows a schematic drawing of the SCM system, and Fig. 2 shows a photograph. The split-type superconducting coils are equipped to generate a field in the horizontal direction. The diameter of the magnet clear bore is 54 mm. A sample is placed inside a 25 mm-diameter cylinder in the VTI. The SCM has X-ray transparent Be windows at both front and back (on the field axis) and on both sides (perpendicular to the field). The opening size of the front and back windows is diam. 10 mm, while the sides are diam. 20 mm. This design of the coils and the windows allows XMCD measurements in either transmission or fluorescence mode. The SCM is equipped with a liquid helium recondensing cooler which enables continuous operation of the SCM for more than 7 days with no additional coolant needed.
  At the moment (March 2010), the SCM has a vibration problem, caused by the vibration of the recondensing cooler; sample vibrations are found to have the amplitude of approximately ±30 µm. Vibration of this magnitude results in a small degradation in the quality of XMCD measurements; the effect is negligible in most cases. However, it takes more accumulation time to obtain high-quality data for high-pressure measurements with using a small sample or for measurements with extreme small XMCD signal of less than 10-4. To obtain high-quality data, an R&D for suppressing the vibration is in progress.

  • Table 1. Available sample environments using the superconducting magnet


    Magnetic field (T) 0 ∼ ±10
    Temperature range (K) 2 ∼ 300


    Fig. 1. A schematic illustration of the superconducting magnet.

    Fig. 2. The superconducting magnet on the diffractometer.
