SPring-8, the large synchrotron radiation facility

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Development of a new experimental method for analyzing and visualizing three-dimensionally electronic structures of materials - Materials with the electronic structure unresolved experimentally so far will come into sight! - (Press Release)

Release Date
05 Jan, 2007
  • BL25SU (Soft X-ray Spectroscopy of Solid)

This article is presented in Japanese.

"Three-Dimensional Bulk Fermiology of CeRu2Ge2 in the Paramagnetic Phase by Soft X-Ray -Dependent (700-860 eV) ARPES"
Masao Yano, Akira Sekiyama, Hidenori, Fujiwara, Tetsuro Saita, Shin Imada, Takayuki Muro, Yoshichika Onuki and Shigemasa Suga
Physical Review Letters 98, 036405 (2007), published 18 January 2007

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A protein forms the pocket fitting a substrate in collaboration with an RNA - Transfer RNA-dependent amino acid recognition mechanism by glutamyl-tRNA synthetase - (Press Release)
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Development of a new experimental method for analyzing and visualizing three-dimensionally electronic structures of materials - Materials with the electronic structure unresolved experimentally so far will come into sight! - (Press Release)
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JASRI/SPring-8 launches a cooperation program with Graduate School of Natural and Technology in Okayama University – As Program of "Initiatives for Attractive Education in Graduate Schools" at the Graduate School - (Press Release)