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Structure and mechanism of antibiotic-degrading enzyme in which zinc is crucial (Press Release)

Release Date
24 Oct, 2007
  • BL26B1 (RIKEN Structural Genomics I)
  • BL45XU (RIKEN Structural Biology I)

This article is presented in Japanese.

Crystal Structures of Blasticidin S Deaminase (BSD): Implications for Dynamic Properties of Catalytic Zinc
Takashi Kumasaka, Masaki Yamamoto, Makio Furuichi, Masayoshi Nakasako, Aik-Hong Teh, Makoto Kimura, Isamu Yamaguchi and Tatzuo Ueki
Journal of Biological Chemistry, published online on October 23, 2007 

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Structure and mechanism of antibiotic-degrading enzyme in which zinc is crucial (Press Release)
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