SPring-8, the large synchrotron radiation facility

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General/Budding Research Suport/Time-Designated /SP8 Measurement Service Proposals 2007B (10/11)

S/N #1~50 #51~100 #101~150 #151~200 #201~250 #251~300 #301~350 #351~400 #401~450 #451~500 #501~553

CONTACT: SPring-8 Users Office; E-mail: sp8jasri@spring8.or.jp

S/N Proposal No. Title of Experiment Project Leader Affiliation Country Beamline Shifts Type*
451 2007B1095 Structural analysis of eukaryotic translation initiation factors Min  Yao Hokkaido University Japan BL41XU 6 np
452 2007B1096 X-ray crystallography of molecular chaperone Hsp110 Yasuhito  Shomura University of Hyogo Japan BL41XU 3 np
453 2007B1103 Structural analysis of the troponin-tropomyosin complex Soichi  Takeda National Cardiovascular Center Japan BL41XU 1 np
454 2007B1105 X-ray crystallographic study of the small G protein-regulating factor Ken  Kitano Nara Institute of Science and Technology Japan BL41XU 3 np
455 2007B1125 Structural analysis of the BAR-domain/phosphoinositide complex Soichi  Takeda National Cardiovascular Center Japan BL41XU 1 np
456 2007B1131 Elucidation of structural basis for pre-translational amino-acid conversion towards novel aminoacyl-tRNA synthetic pathway Osamu  Nureki Tokyo Institute of Technology Japan BL41XU 6 np
457 2007B1135 Crystallographic study of bacterial nitric oxide reductase Shingo  Nagano The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN) Japan BL41XU 6 np
458 2007B1138 X-ray crystallography of complexes related to transcription termination Shun-ichi  Sekine The University of Tokyo Japan BL41XU 6 np
459 2007B1156 X-Ray structure analyses of γ-glutamyltranspeptidase in complex with various inhibitors Keiichi  Fukuyama Osaka University Japan BL41XU 3 np
460 2007B1184 X-ray crystallographic study of squid rhodopsin Tsutomu  Kouyama Nagoya University Japan BL41XU 3 np
461 2007B1189 Deprotonation mechanism of rhodopsin chromophore by x-ray crystallography Tetsuji  Okada National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology  Japan BL41XU 3 np
462 2007B1200 X-ray Crystallographic Analysis of Rice Gibberellin Receptor Toru  Nakatsu Kyoto University Japan BL41XU 3 np
463 2007B1278 Elucidation of the mechanism of biological light-energy conversion by X-ray crystallography of various photosystem II complexes Jian-Ren  Shen Okayama University Japan BL41XU 6 np
464 2007B1279 Crystallographic analysis of Hyp proteins for the maturation of hydrogenases Kunio  Miki Kyoto University Japan BL41XU 3 np
465 2007B1307 High resolution analysis of the reaction intermediate of ferredoxin dependent bilin reductase PcyA Keiichi  Fukuyama Osaka University Japan BL41XU 3 np
466 2007B1310 Crystal structural studies on the complex of Methanococcus jannaschii TRM5 and tRNA Takuhiro  Ito The University of Tokyo Japan BL41XU 3 np
467 2007B1317 X-ray crystallography of the protein membrane translocon Ryuichiro  Ishitani Tokyo Institute of Technology Japan BL41XU 6 np
468 2007B1370 Study of molecular mechanism for formation of enhanceosome by hematopoietic transcription factors. Kazuhiro  Ogata Yokohama City University Japan BL41XU 6 np
469 2007B1382 X-ray Structural Studies of Protein Complexes Involving DNA Repair and Membrane Transporter Tao  Jiang Chinese Academy of Sciences China BL41XU 3 np
470 2007B1389 Crystal structure analysis of the pheromone receptor FsrC from Enterococcus faecalis  Koji  Nagata The University of Tokyo Japan BL41XU 3 np
471 2007B1441 High Resolution X-ray Crystallographic Analysis of Bacterial ABC Transporter Toru  Nakatsu Kyoto University Japan BL41XU 6 np
472 2007B1467 Subatomic resolution X-ray crystallography of endopolygalacturonase (2)  Tetsuya  Shimizu The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN) Japan BL41XU 6 np
473 2007B1469 Elucidation of the molecular mechanism of MCM protein Hiroyoshi  Matsumura Osaka University Japan BL41XU 6 np
474 2007B1485 Direct observation of d-orbital electrons around Fe atoms in a metallo-protein Kunio  Hirata The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN) Japan BL41XU 6 np
475 2007B1500 Crystallographic study of the flagellar periplasmic chaperone Katsumi  Imada Osaka University Japan BL41XU 3 np
476 2007B1507 Research and Development for the Precise Structural Analysis using Micro Protein Crystal at BL41XU Nobutaka  Shimizu Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute Japan BL41XU 9 np
477 2007B1514 Crystal Structure Analysis of human BST-2/antibody complex Yoshitake  Maeda Kirin Pharma Company, Limited Japan BL41XU 3 np
478 2007B1523 Visualization of the mutagenic nucleotide hydrolysis by Escherichia coli MutT Yuriko  Yamagata Kumamoto University Japan BL41XU 2 np
479 2007B1558 Crystallographic study of nucleosome assembly protein Kazuhiro  Ogata Yokohama City University Japan BL41XU 3 np
480 2007B1567 Crystal Structure of the LPS recept Jie-Oh  Lee Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) Korea BL41XU 3 np
481 2007B1602 Structural analysis of prostaglandin D syntheses complex with specific inhibitor Kosuke  Aritake Osaka Bioscience Institute Japan BL41XU 3 np
482 2007B1605 Structure determination of Atg12-Atg5 conjugates Nobuo  Noda Hokkaido University Japan BL41XU 3 np
483 2007B1609 Crystal Structure Analysis of EGF-R/Fab complex Taro  Tamada Japan Atomic Energy Agency Japan BL41XU 6 np
484 2007B1620 Mechanism of unwinding activity of archaeal exosome-associated RNA helicase Takashi  Nakashima Kyushu University Japan BL41XU 3 np
485 2007B1621 Crystallization and structural studies of eukaryotic ribosome Yoshihumi  Fujii The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN) Japan BL41XU 9 np
486 2007B1631 Study on the regulatory mechanism of an ammonia channel in tRNA-dependent amidotransferase GatCAB Isao  Tanaka Hokkaido University Japan BL41XU 6 np
487 2007B1638 Studies for the optimum conditions of S-SAD experiment at BL41XU Masahide  Kawamoto SAGA Light Source Japan BL41XU 3 np
488 2007B1665 Elucidation for proton pumping mechanism and oxidasion-reduction reaction mechanism of bovine Cytochrome c Oxidase Michihiro  Suga Osaka University Japan BL41XU 3 BRS
489 2007B1696 Crystal structure analysis of Hepatitis E virus virus-like partilcle Tetsuo  Yamashita Osaka University Japan BL41XU 3 BRS
490 2007B1879 Structure analysis of proteins related to disease   Kenji  Suzuki Pharmaceutical Consortium for Protein Structure Analysis Japan BL41XU 9 Up
491 2007B1880 Evaluation of the Protein Crystals under Microgravity by Synchrotron Radiation.  Masaru  Sato Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency Japan BL41XU 4 Up
492 2007B1900 Crystal Structure Analysis of Polyketide Synthase from Cannabis Sativa Satoshi  Morimoto Kyushu University Japan BL41XU 1 np
493 2007B1901 Structural study on receptor-ligand interactions involved in neuronal development Terukazu  Nogi Osaka University Japan BL41XU 1 np
494 2007B1992 Evaluation of the Protein Crystals under Microgravity by Synchrotron radiation

Masaru  Sato Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency Japan BL41XU 1 np
495 2007B1993 Crystal structure analysis of substrate-free and decoy molecule-bound forms of cytochrome P450BSbeta to elucidate a substrate misrecognition induced by a decoy molecule Shingo  Nagano The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN) Japan BL41XU 1 np
496 2007B1994 Crystal structural analysis of Photosystem II membrane protein complex from a eukaryotic organism red alga

Jian-Ren  Shen Okayama University Japan BL41XU 1 np
497 2007B1995 X-ray crystallographic analysis of branching enzyme Yoshimitsu  Kakuta Kyushu University Japan BL41XU 1 np
498 2007B2000 Evaluation of the Protein Crystals under Microgravity by Synchrotron radiation

Masaru  Sato Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency Japan BL41XU 2 np
499 2007B2025 Structural basis of pathological and regulatory mechanisms of potassium channels Atsushi  Inanobe Osaka University Japan BL41XU 1 np
500 2007B2026 Structure determination of the synaptic adhesion complex Terukazu  Nogi Osaka University Japan BL41XU 1 np

*Type p:proprietary, np: non-proprietary. Up:Time-Designated (Urgent proprietary), BRS: Budding Researchers Support