Proceedings of APPEAL Seminar

APPEAL-18-07 Prof. Hiro Ejiri (JASRI/SPring-8 & Osaka University)
Nucleons, quarks and leptons in nuclei

APPEAL-17-06 Dr. Y. Maeda (RCNP Osaka Univ.)
Near threshold production of Phi-meson in pN collisions at COSY-ANKE facility

APPEAL-16-06 Prof. Yoshitaka Kuno (Dept. of Physics, Osaka University)
The PRISM project and a Search for Charged Lepton Mixing (PDF 48.3 MB)

APPEAL-15-06 Prof. A. Titov (JINR/RIKEN)
Formation process of Theta+ in inclusive gamma D --> pK^-X reactions

APPEAL-14-06 Prof. Hiro Ejiri (JASRI, Science Advisor, Osaka Univ. emeritus)
Neutrinos Studies with Photon Probes
- Double beta decays and neutrino masses -

APPEAL-13-04 Prof. A. I. Titov (JAERI and JINR)
Nuclear physics at SPring-8 / Concluding remarks

APPEAL-12-04 Dr. Tsutomu Mibe (Ohio University, USA)
Phi-meson photoproduction, New results from LEPS/SPring-8

APPEAL-11-04 Prof. Alex Bogacz
(Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility, USA.)
Extending the Frontier of Energy Recovery - Ge V Scale Experiment at CEBAF

APPEAL-10-04 Prof. Ken Hicks (Ohio)
Update on the Pentaquark Search

APPEAL 9-04 Prof. T. Shintake (RIKEN)
Status of SCSS: SPring-8 Compact SASE Source Porject

APPEAL 8-04 Hosono K., Himeji-tech
MeV photon science and technology at NewSUBARU

Rangacharyulu C., U. SASK
Tests of Time Reversal Invariance with Polarized Photons - Prospects

Comments: Neutrino responses by photon and electron probes

APPEAL 7-04 Hotta T., RCNP
Perspectives of LEPS

Daté S. and Ohashi Y., JASRI
LEPS and GeV beamline I

APPEAL 6-04 Rangacharyulu C., U. SASK
Quantum Entanglement and Teleportation with Polarized photons- some possible experiments

Kawashima Y., JASRI
Polalized positrons for astroparticle physics in APPEAL

APPEAL 5-04 Prof. Haiyan Gao (Duke University/MIT)
Exclusive Processes at Jefferson Lab

APPEAL 4-04 Dr. M. Fujiwara (RCNP/JAERI)
Parity Non-Conservation Measurements: Greenfield of Physics Developments with photon beam at SPring-8

APPEAL 3-03 Prof. T. Nakano RCNP Osaka Univ.
Evidence for S=+1 Pentaquark Baryon

APPEAL 2-03 Dr. K. Soutome, JASRI/SPring-8
Generation of High-Energy Synchrotron Radiation with a 10-T Superconducting Wiggler

APPEAL 1-03 Prof. A. I. Titov, JAERI and JINR
Parity violation in deuteron photo-disintegration and intence MeV photons.

Prof. H. Ejiri, SPring-8 and RCNP/Osaka
Comments, Reflection Symmetry and Spin Parity of Theta+

Contact: Prof. Hiro Ejiri. SPring-8/IIAS/RCNP